Posted by Cherry Blossom Dwarf breedings?

Stormy (#130157)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-24 18:09:51


Hey! I recently got this gorgeous cherry blossom dwarf (my first dwarf, I'm so excited to own her <3) and I'm looking into reverse-studding her/selling her heats once she gets old enough. However, I've never reverse-studded any lionesses before, let alone a dwarf, nor have I had any experience doing that in the forums thus far.

I've looked around and I have an okay-ish idea of how it works, however I'm still a bit iffy on what would be a good place to price her at. What's an average price for dwarf heats to be priced at, and what makes that price increase - desirable bases/markings, low fertility, or...?

I'm also a bit confused on what items I should require to allow people to breed. I'm not used to insta-birthing cubs/shortening cooldowns so I'm not sure what's generally expected customers to provide (besides a lion scrotum, since...well otherwise I can't birth a dwarf ^^')

Hopefully asking about the second question in this forum is allowed; my main question is for the price check. Any help would be appreciated, thanks!

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