Posted by Wardrobe Adjustments

Aja 🎃👻👿 (#131972)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-02-27 17:18:48
So I love playing around in the lion wardrobe, and I have a few suggestions to make life easier. I'm not sure if this goes here or in convenience, but- since the Wardrobe already exists, I'm gonna put it here?
Anyway- the first two are the major suggestions, the two after that are more minor additions I'd like to see at some point, but nothing too urgent.

1. Option to Import Current Decor. There could be two options where the current button is- "Import to Wardrobe" and "Import to Wardrobe with Decor." Why? My reasoning is simple: you have a lion with decor, and you get a cool new decor you want to put on them- but you don't want to make sure it looks good with the rest. There are ways of doing this, but they require either manually putting all the decor into the wardrobe, pulling up a new tab and guessing, or saving it in a link and trying to be sure it doesn't expire so you have to do it all over again. I know the wardrobe was designed to load lions alone, without decor, and I'd like to preserve that- but I think adding an OPTION for importing them with their decor would help make things faster and easier.
2. Option to import ALL lions to the wardrobe, not just your own. Another thing I'm sure we've all done- you see a gorgeous lion, and you want to get a more in-depth look at it's markings and how they align to make up the lovely markings, but doing so requires you to copy their ID, go to wardrobe, and import them. Or perhaps you see a cute cub or adolescent in the trade center you may be interested in, but you want to make sure you like how they look as an adult, or you want to see if they're a good candidate for that applicator you've been wanting to use. Same process. Things would be much simpler if we could just scroll down on their profile and import them to the wardrobe like we do our own lions. Again, it would make things much easier and faster.
3. Add Nesting/Cub poses in the Wardrobe for Females. I'm not sure if it would be better to add it under poses, or in the age dropdown for females- that's up to the coders to decide. Anyways, my reasoning: showing the lioness with cubs (just 4 as a default, so we don't have to add four of them?) allows you to see if any decor you're adding will interfere with cubbies if you breed the lady in the future. As for the nesting pose- let's be honest, who doesn't love that happy, peaceful look on their faces? I'm sure a lot of people would love to preview what their ladies will look like while pregnant, especially if they're mutated and will never naturally have that pose. As someone else mentioned at one point, it would also help artists drawing ladies in poses that show their bellies. The Jolly pose can do this too, but I think the nesting pose would look great regardless, for those who want to use it.
4. Allow people to change the order of the editing tabs in Wardrobe. Minor suggestion, but it can get slightly annoying having to keep scrolling between the lion and say, the decorations to preview and change things, even if the ones above it are collapsed. I'm not sure how to do this, honestly- just a suggestion for a possible future adjustment, if enough people approve of it.

Thank you for your time! Have a great day, everyone! Feel free to comment your opinion!

This suggestion has 34 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Cryptid✧G1 Ukame
[Hiatus] (#197426)

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Posted on
2020-05-29 18:10:28
Additional idea:
-Remove countdown/timer
I’ll delete it on my own if I don’t like it, it’s nonsensical.
-Option to update the design instead of creating a new one.
-Adding more slot (200-500)
I just wanna dress up my lions why is my wardrobe so small?

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