Posted by LF Breeding Items

Minx2896 (#12936)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-03-04 00:01:32
I am looking to trade for the following items:

Grain of Paradise
Lion Balls
Buffalo Balls
Lion Meat
Cotton Root Bark

I don't have any GB so I will be listing items I have for trade for the above items following trading centre worth.

Achromia Cub - 15 uses
Albino Dik Dik - 8 uses
Albino Gazelle - 10 uses
Albino Porcupine - 10 uses
Albino Raven - 10 uses
Albino Serval - 10 Uses
Ancient Fossil - 140 uses
Archer's Buzzard Feather decor - 4 uses
Bigcat Body and Head Jaguar - 10 uses each
Big cat Body and Head Melanistic Leopard - 10 uses each
Body paint swirls - 9 Uses
Bone Armour - 5 uses
Bone spikes - 1 use
Bone wings top and bottom - 1 use each
Brave Striped Hyena cub - 5 uses
Broken Drone - 21 uses
Burning Blight - 10 uses
Canary Island Pine - 10 uses
Cape Snow Bush - 10 uses
Celestials: King of the north star - 10 uses
Chained feathers Black and Red - 9 uses each
Chilly Aardwolf cub - 2 uses
Chilly Wind - 10 uses
Coconut - 1
Cracked fossil - 60 uses
Creeping Rat Decor - 2 uses
Crumbled Fossil - 60 uses
Dead lion cub - 5 uses
Dead Lioness - 5 uses
Deathly Headwear - 5 uses
Divine Promise - 10 uses
Eager cub onyx - 4 uses
Falling Petals - 3 uses
Flesh of unworthy - 3 uses
Giant Pouched Rat - 20 uses
Giant Tortoise - 1 use
Gold Rose Quartz Ornaments - 4 uses
Grey Go away bird - 3 uses
Guernsey Lily - 1 use
Heavy Clouds - 10 uses
Hell fire eyes - 4 uses
Hoopoe Feather Decor - 3 uses
Hornbill Majordomo - 1
Human liver - 1
Hyena Wastelands - 10 uses
Iguanodon - 8 uses
Infected wound - 2 uses
Jewelry: Opal Nosechain - 9 uses
Leaf Armour - 2 uses
Lesser Egyptian Jerboa - 4 uses
Locust wing decor - 4 uses
Malachite Sunbird Decor - 3 uses
Menhit - 10 uses
Messy Mane 2 - 18 uses
Moonlight - 6 uses
Muddy Live Rat - 5 uses
Nightmare Zebra foal - 2 uses
Nose ring tusks - 10 uses
Pale fox - 4 uses
Pale fox cub - 4 uses
Phoenix - 10 uses
Purple Starling - 25 uses
Reed canary grass - 1 use
Rudolph the last reindeer - 10 uses
Setting sun - 10 uses
Shadow battle mask - 5 uses
Shamanic tarot: Death - 5 uses
Shamanic tarot: The fool - 5 uses
Shamanic tarot: The Magician - 5 uses
Snow flurries - 10 uses
Starving Leopard - 9 uses
Sunset's Memorial - 10 uses
Tail Bone Ornaments - 5 uses
Taita Fiscal - 4 uses
Rival Lace - 4 uses
Rival Rosette - 3 uses
UAV - 25 uses
Undead Hyena Decor - 2 uses
Vulture Egg - 13 uses
Yohimbe Bark - 3 uses
Zombie Gazelle Fawn - 2 uses
Great fire background - 2 uses


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Majorr🥀 (#125368)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-03-07 15:26:20
I can offer one buffy OR one lion score for 3 yohimbe

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Minx2896 (#12936)

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Posted on
2018-03-07 22:38:03
Sorry i've only got the 2 barks now

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Majorr🥀 (#125368)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-03-08 03:23:31
Hmm lion scrote for 2 barks?

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Minx2896 (#12936)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-03-08 21:03:17
Sure i'll make the trade

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