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Posted by | Signs of Change (Warrior Cats RP) |
![]() Kitra [Side] {HardMode} (#135994) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-10 16:59:08 |
Before reading, please understand this is a Discord-based roleplaySoC is based on two Clans who live on the coastal regions of the Salt. These two Clans, MistClan and CoveClan, have a shared hatred for each other and are constantly in a state of distrust - constantly fighting for territory and battles are almost a definite event on patrols. The entire plot is not yet revealed as, personally, I believe it's more fun when we're all involved in discovering more as we continue on. Clan Information: CoveClan - Hunts are mainly in rockpools, lives in the caves amongst cliff sides and love swimming in the beach. Lead by DesertStar. MistClan - Hunts amongst light shrubbery and the hillsides above CoveClan's territory. Territory borders twoleg dens but rarely has trouble from them due to how steep and rough the territory is. To join simply fill out this form: Name (Or Nickname): Discord ID (If you'd rather it be private just write PM): Roleplay experience (and how much you write): Roleplay example: Other: This is a very rough introduction to it all, but hopefully something interests you here and I see you all there <3 ![]() Edited on 10/03/18 @ 17:05:32 by Kitra [Side] {HardMode} (#135994) |
Pumpkin (#77192)
Angelic View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-11 10:19:51 |
Name (Or Nickname): Dys Discord ID (If you'd rather it be private just write PM): Dys#1946 Roleplay experience (and how much you write): I've been rp'ing for 5 years now and I can write anywhere from 3 sentences to 5 paragraphs. Roleplay example: His nose raised to the wind, Tobias could smell the deer herd a mile away as the wind blew his direction. He could smell the moisture in the air as small snowflakes landed on his pelt. His ears captured the sound of the night owl, the small rubble of a car as some brave human took to their destination in the town not to far from where he currently stood. About to howl, to sing his nightly song, Tobias caught a scent, a scent of another. His ears perked and his fur ruffled. He lowered his head and pinpointed the location of the wolf, a little ways off, but closer to the town than Tobias himself was. Taking another deep breath to assure himself of his quarry, he took off, silent in the night, his paws drumming the Earth, familiar with the ground he stood on. This was his home and he hadn't seen another in a long time. He stopped, tail-lengths away from the wolf, crouching in the bushes, watching, waiting. Who was this wolf and why was he here? Tobias raised his head slowly, his dark brown and black fur easily blending with the shadows of his background. He watched the male before him, studying him. They were different, he noticed that much. The male was much larger than Tobias, himself being a slim, smaller type of wolf. He had thinner fur, but as it got colder, it would thicken, but this male was foreign, from someplace distant. He took a silent step forward, his small paws used to the crunch of the undergrowth, able to easily disperse his weight among all fours. The male in front looked deadly in the dark moonlight, but Tobias was a swift wolf, fast on the paws, maybe not much a fighter, but very hard to catch. The male spoke and stood straight, his chest broad as he tried to make himself appear bigger even though he didn't need to. Other: ![]() |
🐱CottonCaat🐱 (#127324)
![]() Divine View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-11 19:44:56 |
Name or nickname: Oracle Discord ID: 🔮Oracle🔮#5169 Role play experience: I’ve been RPing for about a year now and have been several warrior cat groups(and still am in a few) I’m very descriptive and can usually write 1 to 7 paragraphs. Role play example: Spiderpond's eyes narrowed as he thought about the last few months. His clan has been exiled from their home and forced to share a camp with Duskclan, the presence of two legs only seems to be increasing with each passing day they stay here. The rogues had claimed many lives along with the sickness, leaving them with only a pawful of warriors and apprentices to protect the rest. The warrior prays that Starclan keeps the rest of them safe and guides them through the rest of this nightmare. With a sigh, Spiderpond headed over to the fresh-kill pile; though it could hardly be called that with the way it was stocked so low. He decided on a small mouse and plucked it up into his mouth. Sitting down, the tom spotted a Duskclan cat. The black and white cat had learned a few of their names, but couldn't place one to this tom. "How's it going neighbor?" He said jokingly. Even though they were rivals Spiderpond didn't see any reason to ignore the cats. Especially since they were so close to each other now. ![]() |
Dingo Blue (#17224)
![]() Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-12 07:25:06 |
Name (Or Nickname): Xylynx Discord ID (If you'd rather it be private just write PM): [oh god what is it today?] Depressed & Well Dressed #1667 Roleplay experience (and how much you write): Oh wow I'm entering my tenth year of active roleplaying, I guess? How much I write usually depends on what I'm given, though I usually average about 2-3 paragraphs back and forth. Of course, heavy dialogue moments would lower that count. Honestly, I can just write and write and write on an average day :p Roleplay example: With the cold night Ruffledkit had been more than happy to remain protected in the warmth of Venuslight's fur. He had taken great care to curl up closer to her chest - sometimes her belly would hit him, which he didn't like. Raggedfur had tried to explain to him multiple times that it was Ruffledkit's younger siblings that were trying to fight him, already showing their warrior spirits. Ruffledkit had fired back with multiple questions - the first one that had sparked that conversation had been 'why is Venuslight eating all the prey? Look how fat she is why can't she share it all with everyone!'. Of course, that had been awkward for Raggedfur to explain, that Venuslight hadn't actually been eating all the prey secretly, and that there were in fact smaller cats inside her. Of course, Ruffledkit hadn't ever gotten his head around it, but he did try to leave her belly alone. As he cracked his eyes open - tail fluff had tickled his nose - he saw a starry cat. Not surprising. The dark-furred cat, with stars in his fur, was little wonder to the kit. It was a StarClan cat - they walked among the clan literally everyday. Ruffledkit had assumed it was dead family members running beside their sons and daughters once more, unnoticed by them. No one ever seemed to listen to him when he spoke about these starry cats. He was a kit, he was always passed off as playing games - but that was his special gift. He could see the dead, and he could talk to them. Ears pricked in interest at this dark cat, Ruffledkit carefully left the warmth of Venuslight's fur. She didn't seem to stir, but he was also running after the starry cat, out of the nursery, very quickly. When he got out into the crisp air, the starry cat vanished. Again! That's the third sunrise in a row! Ruffledkit sat down grumpily, then promptly jumped up again. The ground was cold! Where was his father? Or Featherpaw - his father's brother! He and Twigheart always welcomed him in the elder's den, and Featherpaw would sometimes let him curl up on top of him even if he was getting a bit big for that. "Featherpaw! Twigheart! I saw another star-furred cat!" He exclaimed, bounding across camp to the elder's den. Featherpaw would usually dismiss his claims, though at least he humoured him by asking questions. This cat though, Featherpaw had genuinely seemed interested in. ----------------- No doubt pleased with Frostfern - she was obviously a good choice for deputy. She was less against him than the other males of the clan, it seemed. To himself he joked that it was because of his charm, though he wouldn't say that out loud. She'd probably flay him nine times over for that. "Fantastic, absolutely lovely!" He replied sarcastially, fluffing his fur up against the cold for the umpteenth time that morning. "Punishing him for Pebblepaw, again, I see?" He looked pointedly at Owlface and the annoyed cats around him. Of course, he could see right through it. Well, it had taken some thinking and a late night or two, but he had come to his conclusion - Owlface got worse treatment for a reason. And his apprentice was behind schedule. A logical conclusion. He wasn't cruel - he wouldn't want to watch his cats suffer unnecessarily. Though he agreed with Frostfern - just how far he agreed was a mystery. However, this had justification. Owlface had failed to deliver a trained warrior on time, compared to the standards of the past. This was...a little nudge, to get back on the right track. ----------- Timberstar’s flanks heaved as he gave a mighty sigh. “Perhaps he and Wolfstorm should swap apprentices for a bit? Night training won’t hurt Leopardpaw - I was told it was her hunting crouch that was horrible. She couldn’t even stalk a bird! But I’ve seen her hunting, and she’s a fine hunter...” Timberstar shook his head. “Until either of them give me a decent warrior, I see no issue.” There it was. ‘Permission’, in a way. Timberstar would easily turn the other way. He was leader of the clan, so what he said was the law. Anyone who dared argue with him... “I’ll speak to Wolfstorm about Leopardpaw. Owlface, on the other paw...” Timberstar flicked his tail lazily, uncaring. If Pebblepaw wasn’t ready, what did that say about Owlface’s teachings? Besides, if he dared lay a claw on his deputy, he’d have to answer to Timberstar nine times over. ------------ Morningfire grimaced at the thought of going out in the cold. "We'll keep anything old separate from fresh things. We can still use the old stuff, it just won't be as useful and we'll need more of it to make the same dose." She flicked a scrap of moss off her tail. "But yes, we may have to get some of the other apprentices to come help look for herbs..." Morningfire frowned. Sometimes the apprentices needed a lot of teaching in what was good and what was bad. Foxglove was easily confused with poppyseeds - her mentor had told her about a time when he had mixed up the two on account of them looking so similar. Her ears pricked up at the sound of her name. “Come in, better in here in the warmth than out there in the cold!” She called back, whisking away from Ebonypaw. She then paused. Ear ache. There wasn’t anything she’d been taught that was specifically for ear ache. So, she’d been making do by squeezing celandine juice directly into Mousestep’s ears when she came in complaining. Celandine was for damaged eyes, though something made the connection that it could work for ears too. She also wanted to look at her tail. Before joining IronClan, she’d had the fur on one of her own legs removed, much like Mousestep’s. They’d used some weird twoleg thing, in a vet room. Yet she had fur on her leg once more - it was long before she joined IronClan, though, and the vet treatment had perfectly healed her leg. If only she could manage it for Twigheart, or Ebonypaw... Other: Apologies for such a long post, but I thought I'd include multiple examples to prove it's not just a 'one off' thing c: If I could figure out how to do a spoiler/hide box sort of thing I would ;-; ![]() |
Kitra [Side] {HardMode} (#135994) Deathlord of the Jungle View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-03-12 17:14:59 |
All of these are amazing and accepted, sent most invites - or at least friend requests are pending for it. ![]() |
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