Posted by Adolescent Hunting Counter/Percentage

{ ember | main } (#2661)

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Posted on
2018-03-10 20:48:33
I'm not sure if this has been suggested, but I would like to see this implemented

I like to send my adolescent lionesses on hunts as equally as possible. I currently try to rotate amongst them, but many times I forget who I sent on the previous hunt as I don't always fully read the hunting results.

Addition (thanks to Lamia)
"I feel like the percentage would be a better route. Knowing how many times they went out hunting wouldn't guarantee their percentages would be the same since they don't all always gain the same amount from hunting. Plus you'd still have no guarantee on knowing how far they are with their training without having to personally go to their pages to check. It'd just be a lot easier if it was shown much like the lioness' amount of hunting trips."

So what I am proposing is a small counter - similar to the remaining hunts for adults - but it would count up. The text could read something like # of hunts completed

This would NOT limit the number of hunts your Adols could go on, it is just a way to keep track of what they have done that day

If you have additions to this let me know If no support please say why.


Suggested by Lamia (#111191)
"Nmmm, I'd rather see something like a percentage rate being displayed somewhere, for instance (35%) being placed next to their name & level so we know how much further they have to go before hitting 100% for their training. "

This suggestion has 15 supports and 0 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/03/18 @ 17:25:00 by { ember | main } (#2661)

🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-03-12 19:39:53
That might be nice, to try to keep their training bars even. I'm not sure that I'd use it, since I just look at their training bars to figure out who needs to get out more (also, they don't all always earn the same amount of exp per hunt, right?). Having something of the sort within the Hunting page, though, would be really nice so that I don't have to go check each of their training bars. Support. :>

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Edited on 12/03/18 @ 19:41:33 by Asher (#123346)

{ ember | main } (#2661)

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Posted on
2018-03-12 19:43:07
Thank you!

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[🐑] Lamia (#111191)

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Posted on
2018-03-22 17:09:46
Nmmm, I'd rather see something like a percentage rate being displayed somewhere, for instance (35%) being placed next to their name & level so we know how much further they have to go before hitting 100% for their training.

Plus, I'm not sure I like the idea of having a cap on how often my adolescents go out to hunt since I've just been sending out the ones on the top of the list out 'til they max out on training.

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{ ember | main } (#2661)

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Posted on
2018-03-22 17:11:39
I'll add the percentage to the suggestion post

Also, I wasn't suggesting capping the number of times they can go out, just using that as a formatting example

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[🐑] Lamia (#111191)

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Posted on
2018-03-22 17:19:35
Ohhhh, I guess I misunderstood. Still, I feel like the percentage would be a better route. Knowing how many times they went out hunting wouldn't guarantee their percentages would be the same since they don't all always gain the same amount from hunting. Plus you'd still have no guarantee on knowing how far they are with their training without having to personally go to their pages to check. It'd just be a lot easier if it was shown much like the lioness' amount of hunting trips.

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{ ember | main } (#2661)

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Posted on
2018-03-22 17:21:41
Makes sense, I'll update the post!

Thanks so much for the feedback!

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