Posted by Adjust minigames score sending/payout feature.

(Crow) Jackdaw Lord (#1110)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-17 05:47:45
Not really sure how to title it so it makes sense with such a small character limit in the subject, so please read the actual suggestion!

Basically this concerns visually or otherwise impaired players, or players who don't have the time to try and try and try until they manage to get to a 20k score minimum for the 40rb daily payout.

40 Rhino Beetles is the max daily payout from the current event game, Poacher Chase. HOWEVER, this payout is ONLY achievable if a player manages to get to 20k score in a single game. For some this may be simple and only require a few tries. For me (and I'm sure, others in Lioden) this score is just not achievable in any way shape or form because of my visual impairment which makes the jumps in the game basically invisible at higher speeds. It's NOT a case of just putting time into improving, but of not really being able to get past (almost) 5k, to me.

So my suggestion is that, instead of only allowing one single daily score to be sent. Allow for scores to be sent up to a maximum of 40rbs, regardless of whether that takes 1 game or 20 games.
Of course, any other rewards from the game, such as sb, would capped to the first score sent!

This suggestion has 22 supports and 7 NO supports.

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flyteck [G2 Ice
Natural Pie] (#58247)

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Posted on
2018-03-17 05:51:29
Maybe just up the submission limit, but still cap it? So you could submit a max of five scores OR a get a max of 40 RBs. Just so people can't play it 40 times to get there since it really doesn't take that long.

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Orcinus [Starlit
Floof] (#31718)

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Posted on
2018-03-17 05:53:13
Even if they do submit it 40 times to get to the RB limit, they had to spend a large portion of their time doing that. Maybe they really are that bad, vision wise.

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Edited on 17/03/18 @ 05:55:28 by Orcinus [Blazing Tiger Floof] (#31718)

(Crow) Jackdaw Lord (#1110)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-03-17 05:54:19
That is a very good point. I don't remember how much score you need for 1 single rb, but it'd make having the game open/not playing easy. Definitely something to consider it as well. Do you mind if I add your suggestion to the main post?

Although Orcinus does make a good point. I'm not off that bad but I'm friends with someone who has a very bad (not blind but can't see more than 1m) vision and it's possible that we have some of these players in Lioden!

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Edited on 17/03/18 @ 05:56:44 by Crow Of Bones (#1110)

Uhuru (#92107)

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Posted on
2018-03-17 05:56:11
This suggestion gets my full support. I have trouble seeing the obstacles as well at times - and being able to submit several scores would make it much easier to get there.

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flyteck [G2 Ice
Natural Pie] (#58247)

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Posted on
2018-03-17 05:58:37
If you get to like 600 points (I think that's 1 RB?) that only takes about 10-15 seconds. So it's really only a few minutes. I think making submits unlimited is a bit too generous - it's meant to be a bonus gain, not a given.

I usually only get to about 6K for my submissions because I don't have the patience to try again and get further - I'd get to 40 RB very easily in a few tries though. I know I'm not the target of this suggestion, but this is just a side mini game meant to give people a boost, not a required game feature.

EDIT: Took a while to type this, but yeah, feel free to add to the main post c:

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Edited on 17/03/18 @ 06:00:44 by flyteck (#58247)

Rhodalite (#123309)

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Posted on
2018-03-18 07:55:17
I don't usually get over 3-7k points no matter how many times I try. I think maybe an option to make the graphics simpler would help me, like the background not moving. The graphics are really beautiful, but they make me kind of dizzy after a while. I don't ever have my volume on so I don't know if there's already something like this, but for visually impaired players, maybe there could be an option for a beep before there is a jump. I don't support unlimited tries.

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