Posted by Idle Board Auto-Lock

Lex 🦋 (#56485)

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Posted on
2018-03-20 19:35:17
This is just something i wanted to suggest because i'm really really tired of seeing threads from 2013-2015 bumped when they're so outdated and there's no need.

Perhaps a lock of 6-8 months of inactivity?

When your thread gets close to the lock date, you'll be sent a notification. If in that time you don't re-activate the thread by posting on it or editing the description, your thread will be locked, not deleted

Once it's locked, you can either flag it for permanent deletion, or let it sit for archival reasons. It will no longer be able to be bumped, nobody will be able to comment on it or edit it.

In the case of suggestions, players can remake old suggestion threads once they've become inactive so that they can be bumped again. This would be nice for if there's a really good suggestion, but the player is no longer active on the site. It can be re-posted by someone who can bump it regularly, and it weeds out the old outdated ones from the suggestions boards.

This would also make it so that old raffles, old stud posts, etc are unable to be bumped and cause confusion about if it's still open or if the king is long dead.

Thanks for taking a peek!

This suggestion has 38 supports and 2 NO supports.

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~ fae | G1 sunrise ~ (#125512)

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Posted on
2018-03-21 08:58:39
Maybe the ability to for the owner of the thread to lock it themselves too - Like you said for archival reasons; they may be finished with what ever they were using the thread for, but want to keep it up for reference and not want to have to deal with people 'helpfully' adding their opinions or whatever to the thread..

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Kaliyana (#11505)

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Posted on
2019-07-01 09:06:17
I support your entire idea but would also like to add something to Fae's as an option.

Allowing us to lock our own but allowed us to also unlock (for people like me who reuse old sales threads for different reasons once previous sale is finished) when we want to reuse or reopen the thread. Re-open more for like events, I know i sell a lot of Herbs in the shaman event and would be nice to be able to lock that thread and re-open when that event starts.

Or to allow us to lock it from OTHER people posting, but allow us to post. It would be super helpful for some people. I don't know how many times I've had to delete a thread and start over because I was just posting things for sale in branch/trades and people would comment saying prices too high instead of just PMing me.

Would also allow any haggling done to not clutter up the thread, and make it easy to see when things being updated and the sort.

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Edited on 01/07/19 @ 09:07:04 by Kaliyana (#11505)

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