Posted by 1 x 1 Role Play Search [MxM][MxF]

Citanul (#43419)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-03-21 19:07:01
This is my first time looking for some new partners on Lioden, but I've been Role Playing for quite a long time and just came in to a lot more free time than I'm used to. I'd love to fill it with writing stories with some partners!

Some things about me:
- Call me Citanul/Cita, that's my username everywhere
- I'm good with anything in our RPs, tell me your limits please! I don't want to make you uncomfortable
- I would prefer Discord (Citanul#4617) but PM's are fine. I've never done much on-forum before but I may be open to it.
- I'd prefer at least 2+ paragraphs for replies. I can forgive spelling and grammar, just get your point across! However, capitalization is important.
- I am 3 hours ahead of Lioden time! I do have a job but I am on multiple times a day to reply.
- A lot of my plot ideas seem somewhat bare bones, but I like to plot with my partners! Tweaking my story to fit with your characters is exactly what I'm after. Don't be afraid to pose your own ideas!

On to some plot ideas!

Modern/Futuristic Apocalyptic
It started so simply. A MegaCorporation buying up all the businesses it could under pseudonyms, buying politicians, assassinating the ones who won't assimilate. Entire countries falling under control and complacent. Most people didn't even notice - and ones who did were swiftly labeled terrorists, taken care of. The rich get richer and the poor remain under the thumb - but there is a resistance. Ever growing citizens made aware of the tyranny and fighting back. Putting their own politicians into power, pushing companies to resist MegaCorp and its greed.
We can go with an Assassin x Target, Resistance Fighter x Corporation Goon, or anything in between. Lots of options here!

Modern Fantasy
What if the girl next door WAS a Siren? It happens, when all manner of creatures and humans live in the same world. Harmony isn't always achieved but what was an uneasy truce turned to every day peace. The local Bakery is manned by a Dragon who fires all the bread on his own breath, Fae find refuge in a coffee shop, brewing a slightly magical pick-me-up for the morning rush. Druids happily teach the preschool how to preserve the nature around them. Not everything is perfect, but most places achieve peace.
This is mostly a slice-of-life with some extra for those who like that kind of thing. It's spiced up by an inter species romance or two, or complicated by some radicalism. Lots of room to do whatever here, and I have a lot of characters to pick from.

Some things with plots too big to list here:

- Game of Thrones. I have a plot for before the show, after, or during! I can play some cannon characters but I would prefer us to do some world building of our own with those being minor players of our story.

- I have an overarching story with a character of mine I've had forever. It involves magic, reincarnation, and a lot of world building. Let me know if you're interested!

Some other plot bunnies too vague and need both of us:

- Gladiator x Healer
- Werewolf x Human (Or other creature unused to werewolves)
- A/B/O Dynamics
- Dragon Riders of Pern

I'm open to anything! Just let me know. Plot with me!

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Edited on 21/03/18 @ 20:19:47 by Citanul (#43419)

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