Posted by Looking for Longterm 1X1 Partner

Shadow326 (#137715)

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Posted on
2018-03-26 19:29:11
About Me
Hey, I’m Shadow326 or just Shadow for short. Really you can just call me anything, doesn’t bother me. I just joined this website not that long ago (literally like an hour ago) because I am in search of a role-play partner. So, let’s get to who I am so you can get the gist of what I'm like. I'm currently a high school student (Senior) so I am indeed still in school as of right now. I work as well, but don’t let that scare you away. I'm active for the most part and always try to get a few replies in per day, so please be active before coming to me with a request to roleplay. If anything comes up you will be told beforehand, I hope to see the same from you. It wouldn’t be fair to leave each other in the blank. I am two hours ahead of Lioden’s time and I've been roleplaying for about nine years now? I think that’s about it.

What I Am Looking For In A Partner
- First of all, I would like our roleplay to be over Discord. I find it to be more organized on there. If you just despise the idea of this, then just tell me and we can figure something else out. Although I prefer Discord, I don't want this to scare away a potential roleplay partner
- Please be semi-literate to literate. I don't just want a few lines. I understand writer's block or if our characters are involved in a conversation. I just don't want there to be a habit of a few lines per reply. I've been in roleplays where my partner starts out strong, but eventually slows down with the amounts of sentences. If there is something wrong, our roleplay is boring you, etc. then please tell me. We can either simply call it quits or try a different roleplay!
- I would like our characters to be original. I'm not going to be flexible with this one. As for the plot, I prefer that be original as well, but maybe we could try something from a book, video game, movie etc. I won't make any promises though.
- Third person roleplaying! I'm sorry but I can't stand anything else but third person.
- Although I previously stated I try to be on often, that does not mean I expect you to be just as active. I only ask that our replies are not weeks apart.

What I Will Roleplay
- First things first, I will only roleplay humans. Animals just aren't my thing unless we're doing shifters or if the person is mutated with some sort of animal DNA.
- Dystopian future (fallen government). Probably one of my favorite topics to roleplay, as well as genre of books to read. Nothing screams a good roleplay like the world falling apart, right?
- Mutants (special abilities, powers, etc.)
- Original plots, I'm open to suggestions!
- I also encourage romance and drama in our roleplay. It's not necessary, but I find it to be interesting sometimes. I will only go so far with romance though. Fade to black if necessary, that kind of stuff.
- Also on the topic of romance, please don't rush it. I like to build up the friendship between the characters and all that stuff. Don't force it either.
- Any pairing is okay with me, though I am more experienced with MxF
Note: If I sound close-minded, I apologize. If you have a plot in mind that you think I might like, don't hesitate to tell me. I'm really open to trying new things!

What I Will Not Roleplay
- Highschool. Roleplay is an escape from reality for me and I get enough of high school in my real life.
- Modern day. Again, it's an escape and last I checked, we live in the modern day.
- Animals

If I haven't scared you off/bored you then please fill out this forum!

Name: (What would you like to be called)
Why Are You Interested:
Example of Writing: (Doesn't have to be long at all)
Plots In Mind: (It's okay if you don't have any in mind, we can figure it out later)
Questions: (Optional)
Other: (Anything you think I should know. If you don't feel comfortable answering this question on the forums then you can tell me in PM)

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