Posted by Creatures of Nudiustertia

Forest [G3 Grullo
Ferus] (#41430)

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Posted on
2018-04-02 11:29:56
Creatures of Nudiustertia (WIP)



Most common prey in the forest. Hirschwulves are a deer wolf hybrid creature that only exists in Nudiustertia. Their antlers blossom with flowers and leaves during their rut in the spring, and moss covers large parts of their pelt throughout the year. Once worshipped as gods of the forest, they are now hunted by most predators. Though they do eat smaller prey like lapines, they are omnivorous and can normally be found grazing in their herds.


Lapines are winged rabbits, that can fly short distances. Their wings allow them to glide long distances, so jumping high into the air with their strong back legs and glide away is enough to stop the smaller predators of Nudiustertia.


Named for their distinct mating call, Uru-Uru live in the trees of Nudiustertia. Weighing only 30-40 pounds Uru-Uru can nimly swing themselves through the trees with their prehensile tails. Being rodents, the Uru-Uru are constantly eating and stashes of their food can be great places to wait for one to return to.


A flightless bird that lives in every region of Nudiustertia. They are very small, and weigh only five pounds on average. Groundlings are colored like a quail, but instead of a hoodiddy on their head they have extendable feathers like a wood duck. They breed fast, as this is the only way their species could prevent becoming extinct.

Hellephant (I know, I'm great at naming things.)

Few creatures in Nudiustertia can take down a full grown hellephant, but with the right amount of teamwork and muscle it can be done. A few feet taller than an African Elephant, Hellephant's push their way through any terrain, and have no fear of predators beyond Nightwalkers. The will fight fiercely for their young, and extra precaution should be taken during their mating season in spring.



A large cat-like creature with a dull, mousy brown coat. Their tails are extremely long, and this length allows them to jump and climb through the forests trees with ease. Very sheer stripes cover their body to help them blend into the trees as they prowl the forest. Their size is similar to that of a Siberian Tiger, so they are the largest predator.


Homba resemble a red fox in most aspects. The only thing that changes, is that Homba have two tails and three eyes. Their extra eye can see heat signatures, helping them to hunt in the dense grass of the plains. One of their tails looks like a regular for tail while the other looks like native plants of Nudiustertia. This second tail is used as bait to lure prey closer to the Homba.


Nightwalkers in general are creatures that only come out of hiding at night and are true apex predators. With the ability to hunt wolves and the other predators of Nudiustertia, they are feared by all. Each breed has its own strengths and weaknesses, so taking them down requires intelligence and persistence. All breeds can't approach light, and all are rare to see.


The spitter resembles a large snake, and has the ability to spit its venom at its prey. They're very slow on land, but agile and fast in water. Regularly found near the river, they're the least threatening Nightwalker.


The forest is where the wolves are able to set up dens under fallen logs, or under the large, moss-covered stones. This is the wolves safe haven, though hunting is near impossible here due to the thickness of the forest and its undergrowth.

Terror Bird

Terror birds are the fastest nightwalkers, and one should be especially cautious in the plains of the hunting grounds. This is where the terror bird has the advantage of being able to sprint at its top speed of over 70 miles per hour. The forest is harder for the bird to traverse, so they rarely try to enter it, unless you really piss one off.

Big Claw

The most fearsome of all the Nightwalkers, it is also the most rare. It looks like a satyr standing at seven feet tall, but with the head of a stag. Instead of hands it has oversized paws of a bear with its namesake claws. If a creature runs into one it's generally best to run. Thought by some of the locals to be the true gods of the land. They can be found in any biome, but you're more likely to see a Hirschwulf and a Felison sharing a meal than seeing a Big Claw.

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Edited on 02/04/18 @ 12:07:27 by Forest (#41430)

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