Posted by Not aging grandpaws.

✨ lemonade (#117217)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-03 07:51:10
When you retire your main lion, now with the new 'grandpaw' feature, he automatically gets aged to 16 years instead of staying at the age he was previously before retiring. I think this should be adjusted as I see no reason why are grandpaws aged + it has no purpose other than just aging the retired lion.

I know this might seem unimportant to some players, but this has been bothering me for a while now, so why not make a suggestion thread, I guess?

I don't think this was suggested before, but please tell me if it was. ^^

This suggestion has 32 supports and 4 NO supports.

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Edited on 03/04/18 @ 07:52:53 by NAUSEA [HM] (#117217)

Cobalob (#120760)

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Posted on
2018-04-03 08:02:42
Totally support!

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Emi Wolvesbane (#101377)

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Posted on
2018-04-03 08:06:30
I think this has been suggested before, but I'm unsure if the post got much recognition. I'd say the biggest reason that the Grandpaws get aged to 16 is to be sure that the system wouldn't bug and you be able to replace your old king again (Idk why some people might do that but I could see it being abused in some way if they could) So unless if they rework the coding on how kings and retirement works, I don't see them changing the aging function of the grandpaw anytime soon.

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✨ lemonade (#117217)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-03 08:08:57
@Emi, I'm not sure how you could abuse that, though? Each time you retire your king, you pay a fee. I don't see how that is connected to my suggestion?

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Emi Wolvesbane (#101377)

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Posted on
2018-04-03 08:12:10
To some folks who have the ability to spend a lot don't mind the fees, so I could see those who have stat monsters and mutie kings that make a lot off of studding/selling cubs being able to easily do that so long as the kings are young enough. But I was only explaining the possible reason for the grandpaws aging as you stated you couldn't see a reason why they did so.

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✨ lemonade (#117217)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-04-03 08:14:43
@Emi, but - I still don't understand, is there something I'm missing here? Once a lion becomes a grandpaw, you can no longer breed it or do anything with it, the grandpaw is similar to a submale, which can't breed.

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Bezthiel 🍉 (#81210)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-04-03 08:15:25
Here's the older suggestion. It's gotten quite a bit of attention and support since the last time I looked at it!

Also, if you make a lion king when they're older than 10 year, 1 month, they are aged back down to 8 years old. There is obviously something that prevents us from making Grandpaw king again in the first place, or it would be an issue right now.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-04-03 17:16:33
@NAUSEA basically when you king a king that is older than 10 years old they will age down to 8 years old. So if you have a king with a marking you really like or really good stats or something and he has to retire, if you retire him young enough that he isn't at any risk of dying soon (say you pay 10gb to retire him at age 13), he will become a Grandpaw at 13 years. The new king might not have that good marking or stats, so you can pay a bunch of GB to retire him super early and re-king the former-king-and-grandpaw, where he'll be aged down to 8 years instead of 13 years and you can have him as king for a longer period of time. If you keep doing this, you can have the same king for an indefinite period of time (despite paying hundreds of GB but this isn't a problem for players who buy a lot of it). If that king has more than 20000 stats or has all Chatoyant markings+base (or some other combination of rare markings and base), this is a MASSIVE problem. That's basically how this can be exploited.

Although I do really like the idea, there would need to be a way to prevent this from being exploited-- a way to make sure that once a king has become Grandpaw, he can't become king again. You have my support :)

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-04-26 20:09:53
...nevermind, I'm going to change my vote to no support; I just came across a thread asking for an option to make having a grandpaw optional; the way to get around having a grandpaw is to send him immediately to the dynasty, and if a player who doesn't want a grandpaw retires their king early, they're stuck with said grandpaw until he's old enough to retire and they don't want him. Sure, they can kill him, but what if they want their former king in their dynasty? This would just make them even more frustrated.

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