Posted by Friend List - mini description box

TetraTwinkle ─★
(side) (#133795)

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Posted on
2018-04-04 07:20:27
Hey everyone!

So I’ve been thinking, wouldn’t it be great to have a short description box for each friend on your friends list? This doesn’t have to be public, but just a little personal box for yourself to add some writing into. A bit similar to the ‘reasoning’ box on your block list.

This can help with those like myself who have a bad memory, and forget who is who, especially when you have to many friends / those with similar name tags.

So for instance, if you have a particular topic that got you both speaking through personal messages, that could be added to the box to help you remember...
They’d essentially be short titles just to jog your memory.

I’m very bad at wording things but I hope I’ve got the message across, thanks for any support and I’d be happy to hear your feedback even if it’s negative! :)

Edit: it could also hold records of previous name tags so that if a friend changes their name you won’t forget who they are ?

This suggestion has 90 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 03/07/18 @ 08:02:38 by Lil Pika (Mott Sunset Feralis) (#133795)

Copper's Cries (#135905)

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Posted on
2018-04-04 14:57:18
I love this idea!!

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TetraTwinkle ─★
(side) (#133795)

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Posted on
2018-04-04 14:58:53
Thanks Sunleaf

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Emby (#70222)

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Posted on
2018-04-04 23:12:58
this is really something I would use XD I forget a lot. It would also really help if you take a break and come back.

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TetraTwinkle ─★
(side) (#133795)

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Posted on
2018-04-05 00:03:41
thanks I’m glad this would be helpful to others :)
Oh yes actually now you mention it that would really help with that

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[△] Nadir (#108458)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 04:28:50
I really love this idea because I have a few friends who change their names CONSTANTLY and I always have to go to their page and go through the entire den to see if something jogs my memory, but some I know only by the name I met them on, not their kings or lions or such.

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TetraTwinkle ─★
(side) (#133795)

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Posted on
2018-04-06 05:00:36
Ahaha oh dear that certainly must make things difficult for you! Im glad you like the idea so much. Hopefully it’s accepted and will be a helpful feature in the near future ! ^_^

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