Posted by Lower Enclave Quest Switch for lower difficulties

Nikita (Feline Silky
project) (#86487)

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Posted on
2018-04-09 15:07:23
So, I noticed how switching the quest for the Enclave price was the same for every difficulty- 100 SB. Recently, I’ve been struggling to get SB myself, and wanted to switch my quest. This led to me thinking for like 10 minutes and ended up with the thought, ‘Why is it always 100 SB? Why not have a lower price to switch for the lower difficulties? Similar to the way prizes are for trivia.”
For those unfamiliar with the Enclave quests, there are three didficulties: Easy, Medium, and Hard.
If you pick Easy, the price to switch could be like 20-30 SB, Medium would be 50-75, Difficult would stay 100.
This would also be useful if someone were to accidentally pick the wrong difficulty but either didn’t want to spend 100 SB or didn’t have the funds (since many enclave cubs in TC sell for around 20-100 SB).

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