Posted by Primal Givaways and Breeding Clan

Shadkill (#141294)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-04-22 09:10:21

This is an official clan thread for the Primal giveaways and breeding Clan!

welcome to the Primal Giveaways and breeding clan! there is many a clan like this one, but I'm aiming to make this clan a place of not only free Primals, but a space where Players are able to be themselves.

to be on the list to get a Primal, you must NOT have more than 3 muties, and have not received one from us before.(< this may change as the times go by)

this forum will be used to keep track of the Primals that each clan member has. posts should incude Lion ID, Base colour, Eye colour, Markings (incuding hidden ones),Mane type and colour, fertility (if female), when last bred (incuding if they had a mutie), date received and price (if bought). the fourm should also incude your ID.

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Edited on 26/04/18 @ 07:22:44 by xXStolen_QueenXx (Lights Off) (#133909)

One_of_The_Misfits (#133909)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-26 07:20:59
listing primals we have here (+dates when received)-

Primal female (#794116414932), aged 2 years, 10 months old, was bought by Shadkill (#141294) for 5GB.

Markings-Slot 2: Onyx Ends (48%), Slot 3: Mahogany Coat (59%), Slot 5: Brown Cover (52%)

Base-Isabel (White Skin)


mane type and colour- Normal, Dark Brown

Fertility- Very low (34%)

Bred once, no mutie from breeding.

Primal female (#794116719544), aged 1 year, 11 months old, was bought by Shadkill (#141294) for 10GB

Markings-Slot 2: Hyena Stripes Scarce Onyx (52%),Slot 4: Nimravus White (100%),Slot,5: Onyx Margay (85%),Slot 6: Feline 8 Ebony (53%),Slot 8: Feline 4 Ebony (83%),Slot 9: Nimravus Red (100%) *hidden marking in slot 11*

Base-Mauve (Red Skin)


Mane type and colour- Savage, Glacial

Fertility- Average (75%)

Not bred yet (still teen)

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One_of_The_Misfits (#133909)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-26 07:29:35
Idk when any of these were bought i don't keep track

#794116310030 (for MY clan)(Felis)

Bought for 9GB

Slot 1: Onyx Back Hair (48%)
Slot 2: Chatoyant Pelage (100%)
Slot 7: Blue Flow (32%)
Slot 8: Under White 2 (73%)
Slot 9: Silver Frosting (42%)
Slot 10: White Underfur (31%)

Base-Dun (white skin)


mane type and colour- Regal, Hallowed

Fertility- Average

Bred once, no mutie from breeding.


Bought for 750 sb

Slot 1: Hyena Stripes Scarce White (46%)
Slot 6: Feline 6 Silver (93%)
Slot 7: White Socks (89%)
Slot 9: Arctic Feline Unders (100%)

Base-Silver (white skin)


mane type and colour- White, Hematite

Fertility- Very low (49%)

Never bred

#794115311250 (For MY clan)

Slot 1: Infernal Rogue (45%)

Base-Copper (brown skin)


mane type and colour- Thick, Blazing

Fertility- Very low

Bred once, no muties

#794116849303 (for MY clan)
#133909 (on side #143402)

Slot 3: Feline 6 Silky (51%)
Slot 4: White Lace (100%)
Slot 5: Onyx Margay (69%)
Slot 7: Cream Margay (100%)
Slot 9: Ginger Margay (3%)
Slot 10: Onyx Zebra (41%)

Base-Sorrel (pink skin)


mane type and colour- Savage, Rhodonite

Fertility- High

Never bred

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Edited on 26/04/18 @ 07:32:22 by xXStolen_QueenXx (Lights Off) (#133909)

Shadkill (#141294)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-27 13:10:48

Primal Male (#794115516657), aged 4 years, 10 months old , was won by Shadkill (#141294) through clan raffle

Markings-Slot 1: Infernal Rogue (42%),Slot 5: Maroon Coat (38%),Slot 7: Feline 7 Onyx (54%),Slot 8: Leg Spotting Strong Onyx (87%)

Base-Eggshell (Gray Skin)


mane type and colour- Diabolic ,Glacial

Fertility- N/A

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