Posted by |Trying to Survive| Character Sheets

Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2018-04-23 15:48:22

Main Roleplay Thread


RP Thread | Character Sheets | OOC

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<*b>Appearance: (You may use photos but at least 1 paragraph description in there too)<*/b>
<*b>Group or Solo?<*/b>
<*b>Personality :(at least 1 paragraph)<*/b>
<*b>Backstory: (at least 1 paragraph)<*/b>

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Edited on 23/04/18 @ 15:58:46 by BritishAce (#78363)

Luxaeus (#78363)

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Posted on
2018-04-23 18:16:41

**NOTE: These characters are half-assed because I copied and pasted them from the old thread. I am not better at RPing.**

Ace De Luca
"Character is built by striving to be kind, not famous." - Brendon Burchard

26 years old

Panromantic - Pansexual

Currently in College but he works at a bookstore close by.

Group or Solo?:


Height: 6’ 1” | Weight: 182lbs

Ace has dirty blond hair that appears blond most of the items. He insists that his hair is more brown than blond but others say no. Ace doesn't sweep his hair at all. He wakes up and he leaves it because he doesn't feel the need to style it. He has blueish gray eyes. Some say they are more gray but they are blue, especially in the sunlight. Ace has a a little more than stubble but not quite a beard running down his strong jawline. He also has little hair that is barely noticeable on his upper lip.

Ace has a lean build but he does have some muscle in his body from working out in the past years. He eats somewhat healthy as well but every once in awhile he pigs out. He mostly wears V-necks and jeans but you can catch him in a button up every now and then. He has his right ear pierced and he wears a silver necklace with a star pendant on it. Ace is most definitely not quiet at certain times. He can't help it.

Ace is a pessimistic person. He sees the bad in every little thing and always thinks the worst first. He worries about every little thing and awful thoughts run through his head at the slightest sound. Although, he is negative about everything, Ace knows he is selfless. He rather give than get just to see others happy. The man enjoys watching others become enthusiastic. Instead of taking a bullet for only his family and friends, Ace would take the bullet for anyone.

Ace loves to work alone than in teams. He cannot handle anyone holding him back in projects. The situation he is in right now calls for Ace to not go solo. He thinks that with multiple people, they'll be able to find resources better and they will have combined knowledge on certain aspects on surviving. Of course, Ace knows this will not stop groups from arguing but it is better than nothing. He would put in his 2 cents but mainly stay out of anything.

Overall, Ace is a pretty nice guy to approach. He does not get into many fights unless it was to protect someone. He is a rather talk it out than use violence. He makes friends easily and able to get the light out of any situation. Although he may be thinking negatively, Ace isn't the one to show it and he uses jokes to lighten up people's moods. He doesn't flirt that much unless it was a dare between his mates. He rather not have a relationship when he is trying to study and work. Ace is most definitely not looking for one while they are on the island. Not yet anyways..

Ace grew up in a rough childhood home. His father was abusive to his mother and Ace himself. Once Ace got stronger, he began to protect his mother. Pretty soon, Ace got away from the home when he turned of age. Of course the male took his mother along with him. After that, he went to college to become a Veterinarian. He wanted to take a trip to relax and to have his mother have carefree days as well. Unfortunately, when the ship crashed, Ace's mother did not make it and he blames himself entirely. He believes he did not protect her well.

He is of Italian Heritage but speaks very little.

What did the cannibal do after he dumped his girlfriend?
~~He wiped his arse

Not entirely to his looks but art of him:
Artist: Link

(rip can't find any good pictures of the face claim i want)

Melissa Monroe

24 years old

Biromantic - Bisexual

She isn't that tall, only standing at 5' 8" and weighing around 150lbs. She is more on the average "basic bitch" side of females. She has short (a stereotypical male haircut) that has quite some volume in it that allows it to stand up on it's own most of the time. It's usually either swept to the side or all over the place. Mel has thick, dark brown eye brows as well that are above blue-hazel orbs. She has a small tattoo on her neck that is a ribbon.

Stunt Double

Group or Solo?

Melissa, or Mel as she prefers, is a spunky gal with a spontaneous personality. She doesn't usually think before she talks and acts on impulse. She is one of those people who retrieves a dare and doesn't back down. Mel is a stubborn girl and doesn't listen to anybody unless it is she absolutely needs it. She is ready to go against anything and anybody. It may take her time to adjust to a new setting and new people.

Melissa didn't have a tragic childhood. She was the normal girl who got decent grades and usually got in trouble. She didn't go to college because high school was enough education for her. Her mother and father helped her out to get money for the cruise since Mel doesn't retrieve that much money as a stunt double.

I didn't go all out for this character because I'm going to kill her off sometime in the RP to keep to realistic sides of the roleplay.

(I made her as a joke y'all. We will most likely have a mode of 20 year olds so I made her lmfao)


Ketty Black

92 years old

I dont think y'all would date this sexy lady but in case you have to know, she is heterosexual. Plus her husband died.


Ketty is one hunk of a lady. She is 5' 4" but is always ready to pack a lunch punch. Or she'll slap you right upside the head. Her hair looks white to some but it is a a creamy white. There is a difference, people. She also has blue eyes and often wears dark pink lipstick that she won't be afraid to cover your cheeks and forehead in. Ketty wears a smile most of the time unless she gets upset from naughty children.

She should be retired at this dreadful age but she is an Actress.

Group or Solo?
She'll say she is solo but she is 'quietly' following a group.

Ketty is a stubborn woman and never takes no for an answer. She protects the little kids from their mothers and fathers. That's why her great grandchildren love her. She is the kind of grandmother that pinches young kids' cheeks and exasperate over how cute they are. Ketty isn't afraid to give a young lad a whooping either if they need it.

Whew, let's see. She is 92 years old so she has one heck of a Backstory. She's been acting since the 40s and Ketty has been told numerous times that she has closely resembled this Betty White person. It is strange. Ketty went on this cruise to avoid paparazzi and to have a nice enjoyable time by herself. Then disaster struck and now she is on the island.

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Edited on 23/04/18 @ 20:12:41 by BritishAce (#78363)

Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
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Posted on
2018-04-23 23:06:07

Viktor Kurylenko.

23 years old.


Bisexual & Demiromantic.

That's a question best left to the imagination. Needless to say, nothing legal.

Group or Solo
Solo to start with. He'll probably join a group after observing everyone for a time.

Height: 5'11 | Weight: 185 lbs

His hair is medium length and black, often kept slicked back save for a few stray strands that always prove particularly persistent. Seeing as he's going to be running out of styling gel sooner rather than later he'll likely cut most of his hair considerably shorter. Born the only child of a Ukrainian father and Armenian mother, the later heritage shows in his complexion, naturally olive-skinned with a deep tan. He has a somewhat angular chin with a more square cut jawline and shallow scars crisscrossing his face.

His eyes are deep set and a bright shade of emerald, lighter flecks of green found throughout the iris, and set beneath thick, dark eyebrows. His nose is long and curved, perhaps slightly crooked from a previous break that never healed correctly. Usual attire consists of a sleeveless black shirt, ripped jeans and boots or sneakers. The left eyebrow is pierced with silver studs as is the ear and the bottom lip is pierced through by black double hoops near the edge of his mouth.

The right arm has a full sleeve tattoo of various insects and this theme continues onto the rest of his body with a stag beetle on the back of the right shoulder, an owl butterfly on the left, an atlas moth on the inside of the left wrist and a string of fire ants ringing the upper arm. Goliath beetles crawl up the spine. Clearly a fan of the creepy crawlies. His build is sturdy and solid.

Facetious and carefree with a questionable sense of humor. Viktor hardly takes anything in life all that seriously. He could be on his deathbed or in the middle of the fiercest fight of his life and still be making inappropriate jokes. He crosses most people as arrogant and obnoxious for good reason and there are plenty of rumors floating around suggesting he is a cannibal and though they of course aren’t true he encourages them, finding the whole boogeyman persona people have built up for him highly amusing. He is perverse in nature with a personality hard to handle in large doses and it certainly doesn’t help that he tends to hit on everyone he meets to some degree. Be prepared for a plethora of horrible pickup lines.

Everything is fun and games with Viktor until you get on his bad side. In that case it may be best to get the hell out of Dodge, as he’s prone to holding grudges and can prove surprisingly ruthless if you truly manage to piss him off. Thankfully, it's pretty difficult to reach that point with him. Beneath his haughty exterior is someone far more intelligent than he's often given credit for, preferring to be viewed as a hedonistic idiot so they don’t know to expect better. Despite his tendencies to flirt he rarely follows through with anything he implies considering the people his comments are aimed at usually aren’t feeling the love. All bark, no bite for the most part.

Warning; mentions of drug use and past criminal activity, but nothing too graphic.

Viktor was always fascinated by bugs. His parents indulged his interests, buying him numerous books and even allowing him to keep beetles and tarantulas as pets growing up, though they considered cockroaches crossing the line. He lived in Odessa, Ukraine until he was 17 years old and his parents moved to the states. He graduated high school an A+ student, but almost got in trouble with the law for hacking computers in his spare time. It was more a hobby to test his limits than anything malicious and in the end his love for insects ended up being his more defining trait as he headed to college with plans to major in entomology.

He ran into more serious problems during his second year after taking pills from a classmate meant to help him focus on his finals. The pills eventually became an addiction and led to harder drugs. This escalated to the point where his dependency on them overpowered anything else and he dropped out of college, instead making a living out of selling narcotics, though in actuality he was a horrible dealer considering he used most of his 'product' himself.

He was an infamous name on the streets regardless and ended up in jail after being caught with drugs on his person and subsequently attacking the officer who attempted to arrest him. Prison was probably the wake-up call he needed and programs in the facility helped him get clean. He hasn't touched the stuff since and doesn't plan to start again anytime soon, not that the island leaves that opportunity, though it's still a sensitive subject. He's no longer the same person he used to be before the addiction consumed his life and is estranged from his family, unsure the broken relationship he now shares with his parents can ever be repaired.

Finding work after getting out was difficult and though he kept away from drugs and alcohol the best he could to keep from returning to old habits he ended up relying on less than ideal occupations to make money. He was serving as a bodyguard for a gentleman who believed he may have captured some 'unwanted' attention from a gang when the ship crashed, killing his employer and presumably whoever might have been following him.

Theme Song

None yet. To be determined. Totes open though.

Viktor knows both Ukrainian and Russian, but more commonly spoke a mix of both languages known as Surzhyk around family. He has a notable accent, but is other understandable (you'll have to use your imagination bc I don't write accents). He WILL be insulted if you mistake him for being Russian. Don't do it fam.

He really likes bugs y'all. Gonna collect some buggos.

A grasshopper walks into a bar, and the bartender says, "Hey, we have a drink named after you!"
The grasshopper looks surprised and asks, "You have a drink named Steve?"

◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈ ◈

Tobias Ahlström.

28 years old.



Dog Trainer.

Group or Solo
Definitely a group.

Height: 6'0" | Weight: 179 lbs

Tall and willowy. At first glance he might appear a bit thin, but Tobias does posses a decent amount of lean muscle. His hair is short, dark brown and often kept straight and neat, lacking any particular style, his eyes being a similar shade. He has a narrow, chiseled face and his skin is fair, often burning easily. Tobias has more than a few scars, mostly located on his hands and arms from being bitten by the dogs he attempts to tame.

Clothing tends to be plain and in dull colors, whatever is comfortable and appropriate for current temperatures. He isn’t a particularly flashy person and fashion matters very little to him in the long run, but he always strives to look presentable and is very organized. His chin is usually covered in a thin layer of stubble as he rarely shaves, but it never appears to grow out very much even when left untrimmed for months. He has poor eyesight and is required to wear glasses, the frame subtle shades of brown and green. Overall not a particularly outstanding individual, but he has a handsome face and a warm disposition.

The most accurate word that could be used to describe Tobias is enthusiastic. The man is a literal ray of sunshine, rarely seen without a smile or a jubilant skip to his step. He chooses to see the positives in life rather than let the negatives get him down. Even in this new, troubled world he's found himself tangled in, there is always hope for a brighter future. Meticulous and observant, he has an eye for detail when it comes to most things in life, but is somewhat clueless to the workings of proper social etiquette.

He’s a fairly curious sort and finds the island more intriguing than dangerous, His inquisitiveness sometimes gets him in trouble as he has a habit of nosing around places or people he shouldn't. Overall he is fairly naive and overly trusting. Generally, Tobias is a non-violent person and is viewed as harmless if not a bit strange among other shipwreck survivors. He's eager to find out if the island might have any sort of canine population.

Born and raised in a small, rural, superstitious town. Tobias grew up with a single parent, his father Daniel, for most of his early life. Daniel owned the only library in town, the building his pride and joy, even the oldest of books in astoundingly excellent condition. Daniel died after a long battle with Lymphoma when Tobias was only ten and he’s more or less looked after himself from then onward.

People in the community made sure he had food, clothes and enough water to get by, but otherwise left the boy to his own devices. By law he was put under the care of his closest relative, his paternal grandmother, but more often than not he cared for her rather than the other way around. He found he had a passion for dogs that eventually led to a career as a personal dog trainer.

Normally he wouldn't have been able to afford the luxurious cruise, but a wealthy customer insisted he accompany her and needless to say the woman rarely took no for an answer and he agreed after her relentless offers failed to end. Unfortunately she was killed when the ship went down, though her Belgian Malinois Maximus survived and made it to shore with Tobias.

Theme Song
Iridescent - Linkin Park.

None yet, but open.

Here the doggo.


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Darker Morning (#126688)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-04-27 14:33:33
Name: Adira Welnes
Age: 25
Sexuality/Orientation: Bisexual and Demiromantic
(Face Claim:
Adira is a rather pretty woman, with long chestnut colored hair, dyed at the tips a light blond. Most of the time, her hair is kept in a braid or ponytail, keeping it out of her petite face. Her eyes are a light hazel, more green than brown, and her ears are pierced. She is not very tall, around 5´6¨, but doesn't waste time trying to appear taller with heels, instead vying for a nice sneaker instead. Adira, when she doesn't have a uniform on, likes to wear comfortable, but chic things like cashmere sweaters and leggings. She has a lean, but curvy body, toned from the gym and running around the hospital(mostly the last one). Adira has a small tattoo on her wrist, saying "think positive", and another on her collarbone, simply saying "fearless". Along with the tattoo's, the woman has a scar, reaching from her knee to mid-calf from a bike incident.

Occupation: Emergency Room Doctor
Group or Solo? Group
Personality : Adira is a pretty responsible person, always on top of things and ready to move. She is smart, genius level, plus all the schooling she had to take to become a doctor. Adira went to college at 16, and although she wouldn't trade the experience for the world, wishes she got to go to prom, or have a boyfriend, or really do anything a teen would do. She is a overall optimistic person, and tries to see the good in situations, even ones like being stuck on a desert island. However, Adira can be really quick-tempered and rebellious, and if you get her angry enough, can pack a good punch. She can also act a bit childish at times as a result of her never being able to be a crazy, young kid, but Adira tries to hide it. She enjoys her job, and can spend hours just talking about it.
Backstory: Born in the mid western suburbs, Adira always knew she was smart, talking in full sentences before she was 3 years old. Her parents, wanting their daughter to succeed, put her in a school for gifted children that year. She fit in perfectly, although, like any kid, Adira hated school. It wasn't the learning that bothered her, but more the fact that she knew most of what the teachers were teaching! When she was 12, her teacher, a kindly woman named Ms.Kild noticed this, and gifted the young girl a book about medicine. Adira was hooked by the first chapter. And at 16, she entered college for medicine. College was a whole new experience for Adira, with parties, and non-gifted children, but she loved it. After finishing college, Adira quickly found a rather good job at a nearby hospital, and has been working there ever since. She had saved up for the luxury cruise out of her own pocket, and brought two of her best friends along. They both died, drowning in the water, and Adira, although she knows she couldn't have saved them, feels terribly guilty.
Other: Why did the cows go to NYC? To see the MOOsicals.

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bumblehugh (#65260)

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Posted on
2018-04-27 15:14:43


Mia Kanelos.

25 and three quarters.

Sexuality/ Orientation

Height: 5'11 | Weight: 158 lbs

Mia has skin comparable to honey- or caramel- or even golden sugar, she's heard most of them. Her cheeks, forehead, arms and shoulders have been scattered with dark freckles, a result of spending as much time in the sun as humanly possible. Ever since her teenage years, she'd been known for having severe resting bitch face- however, she's usually just zoned out. She has a soft yet still defined jaw, as well as cheekbones that stand out when the shadows are just right. Mia has brown hair, similar to the rich tint of dark chocolate; it occasionally glimmers red colours in the sunlight.
Being as tall as she is, Mia is constantly wavering between awkward an elegant. Her long legs occasionally aid either argument.

The young woman rarely wears large amounts of make up, generally sticking to mascara and the occasional winged eyeliner. Her fashion sense is also somewhat dated- she's most likely to be found wearing all sorts of vintage shirts, jackets and even trousers. However, footwear is always some form of combat boot. Her favourite outfit is a dark green pea-coat, a faded shirt, black jeans and Dr. Martens.

Training to be a history teacher.

Group or solo?
Preferably a group.

There's usually a 50% chance of liking Mia. She enjoys the company that comes with large groups though can very easily grow tired from interaction; especially, when it isn't well received. Despite this she can be a very independent being and definitely enjoys her occasional time alone. Regarding group work, she can sometimes find herself trying to take charge- much to the often dismay of others. She's grown much better at restraining herself and holding back the 'bossiness' in recent years.

Mia is smart in more of a- creative way. She couldn't do maths or science to save her life, though she could write you a fully formed story in minutes flat.

The twenty five year old definitely finds some joy in standing out within a group, however, she is always very open to inviting others in her interests. Once she gets started on one of her passionate subjects, it can be quite difficult to slow her down. These subjects include [but are not limited to! ] literature, modern history, animals, music and swimming.

Despite currently living the urban lifestyle, Mia is quite useful when in regards to the outdoors. She's more than happy to swim in creeks and rivers, hike up- well anywhere really and is more competitive than most in- tent building. Nothing can impact her mood like the weather. Sunny weather is always best.

Mia was born in Karratha, Western Australia. Her family then moved to the bush capital, Canberra. She lived there until the age of five, when her diplomat parents moved them to Vienna. She lived there for four years and learnt German. However, she promptly forgot it after years of neglecting the language. They moved back to Australia, back to Karratha and decided to settle down properly. Mia spent age 9 through 18 there before moving to Melbourne. She went to university there and is still currently training to teach modern history to high school students. To make a long and somewhat boring story short, Mia led quite a privileged life and had been reminded this by her parents every day.

She hadn't pictured herself going on a cruise anytime soon when she found herself aboard the ship. Her friend from University had offered up the idea of saving up and taking a break. Mia believed he was joking until they actually started saving. It had taken a little over ten months to save up enough funds to go on the cruise. The two, almost-broke teachers-in-training then set off for the Bahamas. Once the storm started, Mia's friend was the one who began to panic. Regretfully, Mia merely mocked him and watched him return below deck, whilst she remained on the deck. The storm struck the ship and caused for a large overhead balcony to fall and block her path to her friend. By the screams, she could tell he had been hit; though there was no way for her to reach him. Mia was eventually pushed to exit the ship. She tread water nearby for what seemed like hours, watching the ship slowly disappear.

What's Forrest Gump's password? 1Forrest1

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Edited on 28/04/18 @ 00:20:29 by bumblehugh (#65260)

Hawkmask (#41743)

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Posted on
2018-05-08 18:57:39
Cylla Carter



With an average build and an almost hourglass figure, Cylla has lean, muscular limbs from all her work in the shop and in mechanics. Her fingers are long and nimble, but calloused on the palms and fingerpads. She stands at 5’10, tall for a woman, and cuts a bit of an imposing figure with her pale eyes. The same pale blue as ice, they verge on unsettling with how much they seem to take in, and how sharply they seem to judge. Her eyes contrast sharply with her dark hair, which is choppy and short. The sides are trimmed short while the top is longer and styled in a type of mohawk, the front being the longest. Cylla’s skin is rather pale naturally, with a few blemishes in the forms of scars and burns earned in the course of her life and chosen job.

Her nose is slightly long above a pair of full lips, and her eyes are near-almost shaped, making her rather pretty overall. Each of her ears is pierced twice in the lobes, where she keeps two stainless steel studs, and her right ear has two steel hoops in the cartilidge. Typical dress for her includes a tank top or crop top in some light color, in varying patterns of flower design or plain; some are cut in different patterns, depending on the dress of the occasion. She only wears long pants, in various dark shades, and her shoes are heeled boots and bootlets that add about an inch and a half to her height; no one should be fooled into thinking heels slow her down, however, as she can run and climb as well as anyone while wesring them. Cylla wears steel rings on her pointer and middle fingers on both hands.

Mechanic and Tech repairer
Its not ideal or glamorous, but she enjoys the work.

Group or Solo?

Selfish and somewhat arrogant, Cylla believes in survival of the fittest, and came come off quite heartless because of that. Self-preservation and improvement is always her first priority, even when protecting or showing mercy to others; because of her self-centered tendencies, however, Cylla has some difficulty understanding the selflessness of others, as well as strong emotional attachment. She does understand that a person cannot get through life being totally alone, though, and so for that reason has made herself learn how to get along with others for the most part. Logic and analytical thinking rule almost every decision she makes, and the dark-haired woman isn’t one for crying over what could have been. She’s the one who will make the hard decision and choice, with the obvious exception of when it comes down to sacrificing herself.

While her solitary and cynical nature suggests that Cylla might prefer to go solo on surviving the wilderness on the island, she is anything but an idiot. Her specialties lay in computers and technology, not plants and emergency care. She knows she wouldn’t last long by herself, and if she puts up with others, someone might know enough to keep her alive.

Raised in a rather average home as a single child, there really doesn’t seem to be an good expanation for the cynism and arrogance Cylla almost embodies. She was always considered brilliant as a child, building and fixing things, which could give a start to her arrogance, but even when her parents didn’t spoil or pamper her, she grew more aloof and selfish with age. When it came time to go to college, her parents had hoped she’d pick a practical, money-making job, but were dissapointed and had a sort of falling out with her - if their cool relationship before could have been considered enough to fall out from. Cylla instead went to trade school, learning little more of mechanics and the current tech, and was known as brilliant there as well; upon graduating, she found a job at a higher end repair shop and mechanic, and has done well enough their to make her financially secure.

A couple years after graduation Cylla finally let her parents back into her life, if only so they would stop bothering her with calls dripping with guilt. The relationship would never be called close, but she had gotten to a place where she agreed to go with them on a Cruise; they did not survive the crash, however.

What sits at the bottom of the ocean and shakes?
A nervous wreck


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