Posted by Raffle ticket price?

{ ember | main } (#2661)

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Posted on
2018-04-25 14:37:53
Ok, so I am working on a pretty large raffle but idk what the ticket price should be.

The total worth of the items is around 16k SB + 25 GB
There's going to be 10 winners, and each individual prize is worth around:
600 SB - 1.5k SB or 1GB - 10GB

I'm going to have entries using items (like drones, coconuts, and the like) GB and SB

but idk how much SB I should make it...

5SB to encourage a larger amount of tickets from many players?
50SB to allow me to run the raffle on less entries?
Or higher?

What would you pay for such a raffle with these sort of item values as a prize?

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