Posted by ROSECLAN |:| BIOS

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

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Posted on
2018-04-27 15:38:27

Main Roleplay Thread



What are they called?

How old are they?

All gender identities are accepted.

All sexual/romantic orientations are accepted.

What rank are they?

Ex: Sumatran Tiger, Snow Leopard, Spotted Hyena, Black-Backed Jackal, etc.

Picture optional, paragraph or more of description needed.

One paragraph or more

One paragraph or more

Family members, deceased or not

Friends, enemies, crushes, etc.

What else? Also, if you haven't already, remember to PM me a RP sample BEFORE posting your sheet! Put "Done!" here if you have AND it's been approved by me!

•Significant Events•
Anything substantial happen in your character's life? Include them here!

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Edited on 28/04/18 @ 15:49:50 by InsertCleverNameHere (#36227)

Oops! All Genders! (#36227)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-28 07:11:22



"There is nothing noble in being superior to your fellow men. True nobility lies in being superior to your former self."

Swancub • Swanpaw • Swansong • [Swanstar]

101 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Snow Leopard


Swanstar's lean, beautiful body is, for the most part, concealed by her thick, elegant fur. Round black rosettes lie intermittently throughout her pale, ghostly gray coat, growing in size along her back and abdomen and shrinking once the pattern reaches her legs and head. She walks on steady, graceful legs with great poise and balance, using her lengthy, fluffy tail (which can usually be found wrapped around her legs) to further steady her footing. Her hard, gray eyes make highlight her intelligence and and level-headedness, giving the feline a mystical, important look.


Swanstar is, above all, a politician. A great purveyor of opinions, this female makes sure her voice is heard at any cost, letting her beautiful, lilting voice carry on and intrude into the ears of all who may be present. She is well educated in the ways of getting what she wants without directly asking for it and is very capable of finding ways to convert anyone to her side. She is unabashedly intelligent, practically overflowing with advice and facts whether or not anyone cares to catch the spillover. Although her serious, odd-colored gaze may dictate otherwise, she is not one for physical battles and lacks in muscular strength. Along with being intelligent, the venerated Leader of Roseclan has maintained her position through diplomacy and kindness, never turning away someone in need. Of course, however, this over-diplomacy can lead to her putting her trust in all the wrong places and comes with a sort of naivete in that she can't always see the threat in her actions or decisions.


Born as an only cub, Swankit almost immediately lived up to her parents' expectations. She was beautiful, intelligent, social, and learned quickly, gaining the attention of the other cats. However, one thing she was rather poor at was hunting and fighting. Due to this, she quickly fell out of the limelight she had once held as a kit, the clan favoring the physically inclined over the mentally so. This left her feeling rather lonely, and she would sometimes spend her time sitting by herself. Her special set of skills became more and more prevalent as she matured, however, and she began making friends in all the right places. One of these friends included the Deputy Antear, who promoted Swansong to Deputy when she became Leader. When Antear retired after losing a leg and getting too old, Swansong was promoted to Swanstar and became leader.


Moonchaser ~ Mother [Deceased]
Windfang ~ Father [D]
Stoneclimber ~ Mate [NPC ~ Adoptable]
Unnamed ~ Son & Daughter [NPC ~ Adoptable]

•Other Relationships•


:Significant Events:




"Pride, envy, avarice - these are the sparks have set on fire the hearts of all men."

Coppercub • Copperpaw • [Copperthorn]

39 moons

•Gender & Sex•



Pantanal Jaguar


Copperthorn is a muscular, stout male with sandy fur marred by large rosettes. He has a thick skeleture and musculature, excellent for climbing and hunting. He has a geometrical frame, especially in his skull and torso. His large head is both round and square with a blocky muzzle and forward, close set eyes. His ears are rather small, perched at 2:00 and 10:00. His rosettes melt into abstract stripes on his chest and the inside of his shoulders and legs and to oblong spots on the lower legs. White fur marks his underside, creeping up his jowls and nose, throat, chest, stomach, and underside of his tail as well as the inside of his strong legs.

Copperthorn, as his stern architecture may describe, wields very little patience in his burly figure. A brute by nature, this jaguar would not be so inclined to waste his precious time in conversation but instead leans toward a hobby of grooming himself, hunting, and fighting. He carries himself highly, like a general before his soldiers, yet can still slink through the shadows with ease. He holds incredible disdain for the dogs of The Mud, having had been stolen from them in the past. Copperthorn's one true passion and skill is the art of combat, an art where his claws and fangs are brushes and blood is his paint.


Born in a litter of five to two peaceful rogue cats, Fire had always been the outlier. While his siblings played, he clung to the nest and simply observed. When he would decide to try and play along, the rough cub would sometimes take it a bit too far, injuring at least one of his brothers or sisters. As he matured and began to take on some of his fathers' responsibilities, Fire felt less and less as a "part" of his small band, drifting further and further away from the all-around peaceful ideologies of the cats. He craved blood. Two moons after coming of age, the male became a deserter, leaving in the middle of the night one night to find whatever was out there for him. This was when he met Roseclan, falling within the cats' ranks and being dubbed Copperthorn.


Rusty ~ Mother [Rogue]
Storm ~ Father [Rogue]
Whisper ~ Sister [Rogue]
Bella ~ Sister [Rogue]
Brody ~ Brother [Rogue]
Fang ~ Brother [Rogue]

•Other Relationships•


:Significant Events:

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Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)

Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-28 18:38:55


"When did I become so cold? When did I become ashamed?"

• Image Credit •
Steve Jurvetson [Flickr].

• Name •
Lightning | Lightningpaw | Lightningtail.

• Age •
48 moons (4 years) old.

• Gender & Sex •
Cis Male.

• Orientation •

• Rank •
Medicine Cat.

• Subspecies •
Tanzanian Cheetah.

• Appearance •
A member of the largest subspecies of Cheetah, Lightningtail reaches 4.43 feet at the shoulder and weighs 154 pounds. He is fairly light compared to other subspecies with a pale golden-tan coat and even further muted underfur. His pelt is short and thin, coarser along the belly, and covered in round onyx spots that streak into stripes along his back and shoulders, marking him a 'king cheetah'.

The spots merge together toward the end of his tail and form fourteen distinctive dark rings followed by a white tail tip. Lightningtail has the notable tear marks all Cheetahs share, running from the corner of his deep mahogany eyes to the mouth which reduces the glare of sunlight in his eyes. His build is slight and lean with long legs, a lengthy tail and overall slender, aerodynamic frame.

• Personality •
Reserved and calm. Some might consider Lightningtail a bit disconnected from his Clanmates. He doesn't go out of his way to make friends or join in larger groups, only fulfilling his duties and either retiring to the medicine den or heading into the forest or savanna alone. He's a true stoic, barely a flicker of emotion ever seen on his face, save for annoyance that is. He was chosen as RoseClan's medicine cat for his level head, fair nature and talents concerning healing despite not being the most sociable cat around. Though he is always very poised he tends to have a very sharp tongue, forever sarcastic and comes across rather grumpy.

• Backstory •
Born outside of Roseclan to a pair of warriors gone rogue, Lightning showed up on the border at only 5 moons old, traumatized and with a coat matted by the blood of his parents. He has never spoken of what happened, but it was clear from the moment they saw him who's child he was and the patrol who found him quickly ushered him into camp. His mother's sister took him in, raising him as her own cub, but found the young male stoic and either unwilling or unable to bond with her. Hurt by his lack of returned affection, she gave up on him after only a month and he became his mentor's problem once apprenticed.

Beginning his training as a warrior apprentice, it surprised everyone when he appeared more keen on assisting Frostflower, the medicine cat, with her duties instead of his own. It wasn't long before he switched roles, more than a few cats worrying over the prospect of an emotionally detached cheetah someday becoming their sole health care provider, but Frostflower brought out the best in Lightningpaw, seemingly always patient and understanding. She helped him learn how to express himself and though he's still not exactly a social butterfly he is able to do his job effectively and clearly cares for his Clanmates despite his silence.

• Family •
Insert generic family member names here. Hmu if you want to rp his aunt or a cousin.

• Other Relationships •
[ Frostflower ] - [ Mentor ] - [ Retired/Elder - ADOPTABLE ].

TBD. Open.

• Theme Song •
Paralyzed - NF.

• Significant Events •



"Death inspires me like a dog inspires a rabbit."

• Image Credit •
Tambako The Jaguar [Flickr].

• Name •
Mambacub | Mambapaw | Mambafang.

• Age •
54 moons (4 years, 6 months) old.

• Gender & Sex •
Cis Female.

• Orientation •

• Rank •

• Subspecies •
Central African Leopard.

• Appearance •
Mambafang is a robust and muscular cat with short limbs, a broad head and a black coat dappled by faint rosettes. She is 2.6 feet tall and weighs in around 127 pounds. Her pelt is short, soft and thick, the fur of her underbelly notably the silkiest part of her body. Her eyes are large, round and a very vibrant yellow. Her claws are just as dark as her pelt with somewhat more of a smoky coloration and thin scars are scattered across her pelt.

• Personality •
Even throughout cubhood Mambafang was a little hellion. Mischievous to the core, she spent most of her days playing pranks on her parents and siblings or snooping around places she shouldn't. Most of her jokes were harmless back then, but her behavior was left uncorrected by the authority figures in her life, assuming she would grow out of it as she grew older. As a result she's a more malicious cat in the present.

Conniving and manipulative, Mambafang is out to serve the interests of only one cat, herself. When in the presence of Clanmates and her own personal posse she can appear amiable and fun to be around. With an easygoing temperament and a healthy sense of humor it's not hard to fall under the impression Mambafang is innocuous. She's affectionate and treats those she cares for generously when it strikes her mood, but becoming too comfortable around her is likely a mistake.

Her personality will do a complete 180 should any cat choose to betray her or make a mistake so grave it cannot be forgiven. Apologies mean nothing to her and once she is against you Mambafang will not be appeased. She is relentless in the pursuit of her own ambitions and standing in the way of reaching those goals is a death wish for any cat who tries.

• Backstory •
Born to parents just as ambitious as herself. Darkstorm and Shadowpelt were both banished from the Clan when she was only eight moons old for conspiring against their leader. Mambapaw was given the choice to follow them or stay, and rather than live the tough life of a rogue alongside her parents she chose to remain with the Clan. Many saw this as a show of loyalty, others are still keen to keep a close eye on her to make certain Mambafang isn't following in her kin's pawsteps. The truth is Mambafang very much wants to become Mambastar someday, but is less conspicuous than her mother and father about her goals.

• Family •
[ Darkstorm ] - [ Mother ] - [ Status Unknown ].
[ Shadowpelt ] - [ Father ] - [ Status Unknown ].

• Other Relationships •
TBD. Open.

• Theme Song •
Heavydirtysoul - Twenty One Pilots.

• Significant Events •



"Did you see the flares in the sky? Were you blinded by the light?"

• Image Credit •
Max Pixel.

• Name •
Brody | Tidebreaker.

• Age •
39 moons (3 years, 3 months) old.

• Gender & Sex •
Cis Male.

• Orientation •

• Rank •

• Subspecies •
Pantanal Jaguar.

• Appearance •
A compact and well-muscled male with a pale tawny-yellow coat decorated by distinctive black spotting. The underfur is slightly lighter than the rest of his body, almost whitish, and his piercing eyes are a deep shade of amber. He weighs in at a mighty 259 pounds and is 30 inches tall at the shoulder. Brody's pelt is sleek and smooth. His legs are short despite his height, but are thick and powerful. His moderately sized tail helps keep him balanced.

• Personality •
Quiet and distant, but not entirely against company. He's been alone for most of his adult life so he's far from the most sociable feline around unfortunately, though it should be noted he doesn't go out of his way to be unfriendly or cruel either. If someone stuck around for long enough he would probably warm up to them fairly quickly. Generally quite polite for someone who grew up as a rogue, he's calm, level-headed and forever poised, rarely losing his temper. Unlike his brother he has no love for violence, but will fight if given no other choice. He is overall gentle and compassionate in nature, often stopping to help strangers in need despite his lack of social skills.

• Backstory •
One of five cubs, Brody grew up surrounded by siblings. More reserved in nature than the rest of them. While he would engage with his brothers and sisters unlike his more observant brother Fire, it wasn't long before he broke away from the other scuffling youngsters rough play. He preferred to spend time with his mother over anyone else and would often help her tend to her duties. He left his family group younger than average, shortly after Copperthorn.

Resources in the area had grown scarce, forcing Rusty and Storm to choose which cubs could stay with them for another year and which must go. In the end it was decided Brody and Fang were the most capable of surviving on their own, chased from the band by their parents. The brothers made the decision to stay together for a time, but eventually parted ways when Fang found a territory he wanted to settle in and Brody wished to continue travelling.

He'd heard tales of the Clans from others and recently decided to investigate. It was quite a shock when he witnessed his brother Copperthorn on a RoseClan patrol, only recognizing him by the faint familiarity of his scent. He decided not to confront him, but remained just outside Clan borders until he was discovered by a patrol and brought back to camp. The brothers' reunion was not warm or welcoming, but Brody stayed anyway, granted the name Tidebreaker by Swanstar.

• Family •
Look at Copperthorn bc I'm being lazy.

• Other Relationships •
TBD. Open.

• Theme Song •
Flares - The Script.

• Significant Events •



"Taste the venom, feel the fire. I'm the outlaw in the wild."

• Image Credit •
Tambako The Jaguar [Flickr].

• Name •
Scorchcub | Scorchpaw | Scorchclaw | Scorchstar.

• Age •
105 moons (8 years, 7 months) old.

• Gender & Sex •
Cis Male.

• Orientation •
Heteroflexible & Demiromantic.

• Rank •

• Subspecies •
Mixed [50% Amur Tiger | 50% Bengal Tiger].

• Appearance •
Scorchclaw is a massive tiger, far out-sizing any normal Amur or Bengal. Heavy boned with a build made up of toned muscle, he can prove an imposing sight. His height and weight aren't the only traits that make him unusual, his coat contrasting from the usual black striped orange and white pelt tigers are so well known for. His dense, thick coat is a pale golden color instead, marked by thick light orange stripes while creamy white fur covers the lower muzzle, cheeks, throat, chest, underbelly, tail and above the eyes. The light-furred tail is circled by thin deep golden-orange bands and his eyes are a light shade of yellow.

• Personality •
Scorchclaw is a powerful tiger with a taste for violence. Even in cubhood he had a rather strong inclination for brutality, but some of his rougher qualities were softened considerably by his best friend and later mate Spottedcloud. In a way she was the only conscience he ever had and he refrained from causing undue harm to other creatures if only because he knew it would cause her grief. With Spottedcloud now gone and a dark thirst for vengeance left to fester in him Scorchclaw has reverted into a very dangerous cat.

When dealing with his Clanmates, Scorchclaw has learned to suppress most of his violent tendencies, pushing a facade of normalcy. It is unlikely he would have been accepted as deputy let alone leader if he had not. Charming and charismatic, he exudes tranquility and security, remaining visibly unperturbed and kindly for as long as it will help him achieve his goals. Rather than flaring hot, Scorchclaw's anger tends to be ice cold, but you can always tell when he's displeased by his tone of voice. He doesn't yell, he doesn't hit, but if his voice drops even the slightest from it's usual pleasantness it's cause for worry.

• Backstory •
Scorchstar's parents were outsiders, two oddly colored tigers who showed up at ShadeClan's border one morning. His mother was white as snow with onyx stripes while his father resembled himself. Intrigued by the strangers, ShadeClan's former leader invited them back to camp. The newcomers revealed everyone from their former group looked like them, but offered no other explanation beyond that.

Snowflower was already heavy with cubs when they were accepted into the Clan, ushered into the nursery while Goldenclaw received warrior training. Three cubs were born, but only one survived. They named him Scorchcub after his stunning golden-orange coat. Scorchcub wasn't the Clan's only oddity at the time. A tigress called Sunsetpelt bore offspring that were half tiger, half leopard; Spottedcub, Dapplecub and Specklecub. Scorchcub and Spottedcub soon developed a bond that would be broken only by death.

In his youth Scorchpaw was rather rough, often unnecessarily hostile and cruel to the other apprentices, but Spottedpaw would have none of it. He might be kind to her and her siblings, but Spottedpaw was not blind to her friend's behavior and would go on to do something his parents never cared to, correct him. As they grew older their relationship evolved from friendship to love and they agreed to become mates as young warriors. Scorchclaw found other outlets for his aggression that didn't involve harming his own Clanmates and came to be a highly respected warrior.

He and Spottedcloud never managed to have cubs, as every time they tried nothing resulted from their coupling, both silently wondering if something was wrong with them, but they didn't allow it to damage their love for one another. Cubs or not, they were meant to be. Scorchclaw was named deputy after the previous deputy Snaketail retired and promised Spottedcloud once he became leader she would be his second. Tragedy struck not long after that. A skirmish with a mixed gang of jackals and hyenas turned violent and Spottedcloud was killed in the chaos.

Though the gang was not from the Mud and rather a rogue group out to cause trouble, Scorchstar developed a deep-set hatred for all canine and hyena kind. Ever since that day he has urged the other leaders to help him eliminate the inhabitants of the Mud. "We should kill them all. It is only a matter of time before they betray us." The death of a young SolClan lion only further solidified his convictions that all canines must die, but the disbanding of Clan in recent moons had left him preoccupied. At first he took to wandering the remains of ShadeClan's old territory, furious and resentful before reluctantly settling down in RoseClan.

• Family •
[ Snowflower ] - [ Mother ] - [ Deceased ].
[ Goldenclaw ] - [ Father ] - [ Deceased ].
[ Spottedcloud ] - [ Former Mate ] - [ Deceased ].
[ Dapplecloud & Specklepelt ] - [ Sister-In-Laws ] - [ ADOPTABLE ].

• Other Relationships •
TBD. Open.

• Theme Song •
No More Heroes - Aviators .

• Significant Events •



"Whatever it takes, 'cause I love the adrenaline in my veins.

• Image Credit •

• Name •
Embercub | Emberpaw | Emberheart.

• Age •
12 moons (1 year) old.

• Gender & Sex •
Cis Female.

• Orientation •

• Rank •
Warrior Apprentice.

• Subspecies •
Leopon Hybrid [50% Masai Lion | 50% Cape Leopard].

• Appearance •
With a build somewhere between both cats in her lineage, as an adult she will be larger than a leopard, but shorter than the average lioness. Her frame is slim and lithe, a bit lanky at the current time, but grace and more noticeable muscle will be acquired as she trains and grows. Her pelt is pale golden-tan, dappled by dark rosettes with the underfur being a soft white. Her eyes are expressive, bright and an orangey-brown color.

• Personality •
Emberpaw is a social being, an extrovert in every way. She enjoys the company of her fellow apprentices and will purposefully seek them out. Boredom is toxic in her eyes and she rarely sits still for long, easily losing interest in anything that proves slow or unengaging. She is driven and goal oriented, a thrill seeker always on the lookout for a good challenge. Clever yet easily distracted, Emberpaw often finds it difficult to finish projects before moving on to another

She’s adaptable and will bounce back quickly from an upsetting or compromising situation. Nothing can keep this young lady tied down for long. Conversation fuels her and Emberpaw feels out of sorts if left alone for too long. She’s known to be playfully sarcastic, enjoying being called out or contradicted by others as it gives her a chance to shoot back with some wry, smart ass comment or witty banter. Emberpaw is undeniably charming in her own way, if not a bit on the obnoxious side. Confident and poised, she always appears so very sure of herself. The downside to this is she can be highly impulsive and inconsistent with her opinions and decisions.

• Backstory •
Her life thus far has not been unusual beyond the circumstances of her birth. She was the product of a frowned upon relationship, cross-clan and cross species. Lucky enough to be one of the healthier hybrids she's been growing without much issue. She never knew her father, and he appears to have disappeared from SolClan, killed by the residents of the Mud or abandoning his duties no one is quite sure. Her relationship with her mother Ambercloud is solid and healthy, her single parent making certain she is not treated differently than any other apprentice regardless of her heritage.

• Family •
[ Ambercloud ] - [ Mother ] - [ ADOPTABLE ].
[ Marigoldmane ] - [ Father ] - [ NPC/Status Unknown ].

• Other Relationships •
TBD. Open.

• Theme Song •
Whatever It Takes - Imagine Dragons.

• Significant Events •

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Edited on 09/05/18 @ 13:10:18 by Vespertine [MAIN] (#33076)

Hawkmask (#41743)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-05-06 06:40:37

Skycub :: Skypaw :: Skycatcher
Sky after the dusty brown-gray sky the morning she was born. Catcher after her ambition and skill at hunting

87 Moons (7 years, 5 Months)

Cis Female



Lynx lynx
Eurasian Lynx

Standing at 26 inches, Skycatcher has long legs and a trim build; her total length is about 48 inches, with 6 inches of that being tail. Sleek muscle makes up a good part of her 38 lbs. Her fur length varies depending on the season, medium in the summer and much thicker and fluffier in the winter. In the summer, her overcoat is a lovely tawny and the undercoat is white, marked with spots. Her underbelly and neck are blazed white, and she has white markings around her eyes and on the back of her ears. The tufts on her ears are black, as is her tail, and her large paws are shaded with gray throughout the year. Webbed toes are tipped with sharp brown claws. Skycatcher’s large almond-shaped eyes are a hazel-tawny, and stand out very green against her winter coat.

Her winter coat is a mottled gray and red-brown, and the spots fade for the most part. Her underbelly is still white, reaching up to just below her chin. Red-brown covers her muzzle. She has long whiskers and long, sharp fangs in her maw, and the tufts on her ears are fairly long.
There is a long, diagonal scar down her left flank that parts her fur, especially when she has her winter coat.

Softspoken and gentle, though who don’t know her would never know how ambitious the lynx is; her goal was always to become one of the best hunters in the cllan, and Skycatcher is certainly doing her best to fulfilll that dream. She’s quite friendly and is a willing listener, and though she is not a medicine cat and has never wished to be one, she can be found helping out whenever possible. Her concern and mannerism is often found to be motherly, or perhaps like a big sister, even to older clanmates. Some of her habits include climbing, whether its just a tree or a rock formation, in order to get the higher ground so that she can hunt or suprise prey and enemies much larger than herself. As her most notable behavioural quirk, climbing so high certainly contributed to her warrior name.

Born in a litter of three, Skycub never had a dull moment; though she was quiet, putting her with her siblings made her mischevious, and the trio often got into trouble. Her mother died of a mysterious illness when they were only a few moons old, but their father made up for it by being supportive and fatherly. They became apprentices rather uneventfully, except for that Skypaw grew somewhat further from her brother and sister as the apprenticeship progressed. The others were doubting how they fit into clan life, the solitary nature of lynxes showing itself in them. She herself never had such doubts, and just wanted to help her clan; just before they became warriors, Winterpaw informed Skypaw that he was going to leave Roseclan. And after they received their names, Winterfang left the clan officially.

The last time Skycatcher saw her brother was when she walked with him to the border. Greysnow had grown more accepting of her position in the clan and decided to stay, and so saw their brother off too. A skirmish with Mudclan about a year later took their father’s life.

Willowheart - Mother - Deceased
Shadespot - Father - Deceased
Kestrellight - Older sister - NPC/Adoptable
Greysnow - Litter Sister - NPC/Adoptable
Winterfang - Litter Brother - Rouge

Crush: Open~
Mate: See above

Open for friends~


•Significant Events•
Using RP stuff



Stormcub :: Stormpaw :: Stormwalker
Storm for his mottled gray pelt. Walker for his aloof attitude and elegance.

25 Moons (2 years, 1 month)

Cis Male



Panthera uncia
Snow Leopard

Long and lean for a snow leopard (but still rather stocky, as per his species), Stormwalker stands at 21 inches at the shoulder, and is about 5 ft long with another 40 inches of tail; his weight is near 140 lbs. He has thick gray fur the color of clouds just before a storm; a dark rosette is marked out on it, varying in whole and partial spots and smaller around his neck, legs, and tail. His underbelly is a lighter gray rather than white, a color that reaches up to his muzzle and also covers his thickly furred paws. Each ear is rimmed with black, as is the tip of his tail. Long claws are hidden in his large paws, and he has sizable fangs. He has rounded eyes that are a pale green.

Cool and almost distant, Stormwalker comes off as aloof, bordering arrogant. Almost nothing seems to upset him, and he keeps a calm demeanor and level head even in the heat of battle; he isn’t quite as analytical as he might seem, but anyone who who has looked into his pale green eyes can vouch for his intelligence. He is often sarcastic, but delivers it in a deadpan that may give whomever he is speaking to a pause, as they aren’t quite sure what he means. Although his personality all seems to suggest he would do better as a rouge, Stormwalker is driven by his duty to his clan and mother, and has never once considered leaving the clan. The others of the clan put up with his coolness because of the undeniable charm he has, being a strong and nearly silent protector.

Swanstar is really the only Roseclan member he is close to, and even then he doesn’t talk much. He has a great respect for her, as his mother and the clan’s leader, and would only ever question her orders so that he could understand better. It is from her he learned how to make observe and learn from others, to find advantages and exploit them.

Even as a cub, Stormwalker was quiet and cool; inexplicably so. He would not often play with the other cubs, and tended to occupy his own time in playing by himself or with his mother. From her he learned how to be political and to use the intelligence he inherited to his advantage. Combining that with the fighting skills he manifested as an apprentice, and he became somewhat of a golden child; if only he were more personable, and had clanmates that he were close to. The others may have been jealous or simply in awe, but he never knew which, and never bothered to really find out because he didn’t care. By the time he earned his warrior name Stormwalker had learned how to deal with others a little better, but he still isn’t close to many, if any at all.

Swanstar - Mother - Alive (Insertclevernamehere)
Stoneclimber - Father - NPC
Unnamed - Sister - (NPC)

Crush: Open~
Mate: ~~~


•Significant Events•
Used for RP

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Edited on 06/05/18 @ 06:43:22 by Hawkmask (#41743)

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