 Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)
Lone Wanderer
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Posted on 2018-04-28 18:42:26
Cervicorn [G1 Ice
Ennedi] (#33076)
Lone Wanderer
View Forum Posts
Posted on 2018-04-28 18:42:26

"I will be nimble and I will be quick. I will overcome all of this."
• Image Credit •
Sam Fraser-Smith [Wikimedia Commons].
• Name •
Daisypup | Daisypaw | Daisycloud.
• Age •
45 moons (3 years, 9 months) old.
• Gender & Sex •
Cis Female.
• Orientation •
• Rank •
• Subspecies •
• Appearance •
Daisycloud is an average sized female for her dogkind, reaching 24 inches at the shoulder and weighing in around 44 pounds. Her legs are half the length of her body and her paws lack dewclaws. Daisycloud's pelt is short and soft, growing more bushy along the slightly curved tail and may grow thicker when subjected to colder weather. The color of her fur is a bright sandy brown with a paler, nearly white mask, underbelly and paws. Her head is broad with a pointed muzzle and erect ears. Her round eyes are a dark, chocolatey shade of brown and she has extraordinarily long canine teeth. Some of her Clanmates have suggested not naming her Daisyfang was a missed opportunity, but Daisycloud finds her current name more fitting. Her build is lithe, made up of wiry muscle.
• Personality •
Daisycloud is both confident and self-assured, always composed and sensible. While her temperament can be a bit chilly at times, especially around dogs she isn't fond of, this is a warrior who generally means well and wants to do right by her Clan. Stubborn and strong-willed, once she has her mind set on something there isn't much that can be done to change it. This has led to her arguing with senior warriors and even her leader in the past if she believed the decision she was making was the wrong one.
Her attitude softens considerably around pups and Daisycloud often spends her free time entertaining the Clan's youngsters even if she doesn't have much interest in becoming a mother herself any time soon. The life of a warrior is far more exciting, though she still respects the Clan's mothers. One of her strongest flaws is not knowing when to quit, and she can at times prove a bit mean spirited and obnoxious toward anyone she feels has betrayed her trust or seeks to challenge her.
• Backstory •
Daisycloud is a MudClan dog through and through, her kin members of the Mud for generations upon generations. Beyond her impressive lineage there isn't much about this girl that could be considered unusual. She was born into a litter of four, but her mother Sandcloud was rather sickly throughout her pregnancy and the majority of her litter were quite weak, dying shortly after birth. Daisypup was miraculously feisty and strong from the moment she entered the world. A ray of light in her parents' grief.
She became an apprentice and later a warrior in record time, and, other than the death of her siblings, her small family hasn't seen much in the way of personal tragedy thus far. Seven moons ago her parents had their second litter and both pups survived, now thriving and growing as promising apprentices. Sandcloud and Rockfang eagerly await the day their oldest daughter finds a mate and has her own offspring, but as of now Daisycloud isn't in any hurry.
• Family •
- Sandcloud [Adoptable | Mother | Warrior]
- Rockfang [Adoptable | Father | Warrior]
- Tawnypaw [Adoptable | Younger Brother | Apprentice]
- Yellowpaw [Adoptable | Younger Sister | Apprentice]
• Other Relationships •
TBD. Open.
• Theme Song •
I'm Not Afraid - Produced by Tommee Profitt feat. Wondra.
• Significant Events •
.jpg)
"I'd like to make myself believe that planet earth turns slowly, it's hard to say that I'd rather stay awake when I'm asleep."
• Image Credit •
T Dorsey Imagery.
• Name •
Cloverpup | Cloverpaw | Clovernose.
• Age •
36 moons (3 years) old.
• Gender & Sex •
Cis Male.
• Orientation •
• Rank •
• Subspecies •
Plains Coyote.
• Appearance •
His coat is short, but thick, predominately a dark orange with lighter cream underfur. The skull is narrow, muzzle tapering, and pointed ears medium sized. His legs are long and body lightly muscular with a bushy tail and straight back. His black nose is the darkest point on his body and stands out against his brighter fur. His eyes are a pale shade of blue-gray.
• Personality •
Clovernose is a fairly ordinary young dog beyond his appearance. His fighting and hunting skills are mediocre, but he's got quite the nose on him and is an excellent tracker. Level-headed, patient and naturally quiet he fails to stand out much among his Clanmates, but Clovernose is content to blend in. Despite not being the most exciting warrior around he's far from introverted and enjoys the company of other canines. He finds complete silence rather unsettling and will go so far as to fill it with senseless chatter if necessary. Even if he's only talking to himself.
He has a tendency to laze around camp if not given a task to complete and appears more eager to help the medicine dog than being assigned to a patrol. It was rumored for a time he would become the medicine dog apprentice, but after so long without such an announcement some warriors may have begun to suspect it's actually the medicine dog he's interested in rather than herbs. He isn't unintelligent and could likely improve in the areas where his abilities lack if he weren't so indolent. He is thoughtful and appreciative of nature, at times proving rather philosophical. It's not rare for him to go off on a tangent that likely won't make sense to anyone save for himself.
• Backstory •
Clovernose had a fairly normal Clan upbringing, born the only pup in his litter to happy, supportive parents who are still very involved in his life despite his graduating to warrior rank. They're an all around laid-back, chill family...save for Oaktail, who is a bit too serious for his own good. He was lovingly nicknamed the "tree whisperer" by his parents growing up for his clear concern for nature and his tendency to talk to trees, which he still does on occasion.
• Family •
- Snowtuft [Adoptable - Mother - Warrior].
- Oaktail [Adoptable - Father - Warrior].
• Other Relationships •
TBD. Open.
• Theme Song •
Fireflies - Owl City.
• Significant Events •

"We were one in the same, running like moths to the flame."
• Image Credit •
Tambako The Jaguar [Flickr].
• Name •
Cobrapup | Cobrapaw | Cobrastrike
• Age •
48 moons (4 years) old.
• Gender & Sex •
Cis Male.
• Orientation •
Bisexual & Demiromantic.
• Rank •
• Subspecies •
Spotted Hyena.
• Appearance •
Cobrastrike is a particularly large hyena, especially for a male, 32 inches at the shoulder and weighing over 96 pounds. His coat is short and shaggy, made up of various shades of brown and gray from light to dark. The fur around his ears, throat and chest is palest. Cobrastrike's ears are pointed and full of tears, his head broad and muzzle blunt, his jaws powerful enough to crack bone. His eyes are a very dark brown with an almost auburn tint and several long scars mar his muzzle and body. As with most hyenas, his front legs are longer than his back leading to a sloped back with a slight hunch around the shoulders.
• Personality •
Cobrastrike has always been a quiet hyena, his moods seeming to change with the wind. One day could be spent contently in the company of Clanmates while the next he’ll prove so volatile no dog or hyena will want to be around him. He's a proficient warrior with a reserved nature, but Cobrastrike is never afraid to speak his mind. He appears to be morally ambiguous, never seeing things as solely black and white, always looking for the varying shades of gray in-between. He can be more open and playful in the presence of close friends, but otherwise is somewhat unsociable.
Darkness appears to spook him a great deal and he's so claustrophobic he can't sleep in the warrior's den with the others, instead making a den for himself beneath a bush near the edge of camp. He’s infamous for his dry sense of humor and deadpan expressions, likely coming across as dreary and dull. Cobrastrike certainly isn’t the most exciting warrior around. He doesn’t have any issue following orders, but the only ones he has true reverence for are the Clan’s leader, deputy and medicine dog. If another warrior were to attempt bossing him around and he wasn’t keen on the idea they’d be in for a hard time.
• Backstory •
Cobrastrike was born into a small litter of two, just himself and his sister Fallowflower. Initially the siblings were born in the wilds outside MudClan, but their mother was having a difficult time providing for them on her own. Eventually her search for resources brought her to the border of the Mud and she joined the future Clan in order to save her starving pups. Fallowpup and Cobrapup didn't face much scrutiny from their Clanmates growing up. The Mud's leaders and members had more to worry about than whether or not someone was born within their ranks or joined after the fact.
As such, the young hyenas grew into adults without much issue. Brownfur met her death upon getting into a squabble with a RoseClan patrol shortly after they became warriors and now the siblings have only each other. Cobrastrike has always been rather reserved, an observer rather than a participant a majority of the time. While he will support and fight for Ratstar, he isn't sure her attempts at being recognized as an official Clan leader will prove successful and believes that her actions might have very well dug their grave. After all, how could one Clan hope to face two and come out the winner?
• Family •
- Brownfur [Deceased - Mother - Former Warrior].
- Fallowfower [Adoptable - Litter Sister - Warrior].
- Unnamed Offspring [BritishAce & Adoptable]
• Other Relationships •
- Ratstar [Former Mate | Played by Insert ].
• Theme Song •
Ricochet - Starset.
• Significant Events •

"And we can build this dream together, standing strong forever. Nothing's gonna stop us now."
• Image Credit •
William Pitcher [Flickr].
• Name •
Redpup | Redpaw | Redbird.
• Age •
24 moons (2 years) old.
• Gender & Sex •
Cis Male.
• Orientation •
• Rank •
• Subspecies •
• Appearance •
In appearance one might think the Dhole a cross between a Gray Wolf and Red Fox while being almost unnervingly feline in structure thanks to their long backbones and flexible limbs. His pelt is a deep reddish color, brightest and thickest during the cold season. White fur lines the very front of the muzzle, chin, throat, chest, underbelly and paws as well as the insides of his ears and hind legs. His tail ends in a black tip and black-tipped hairs can also be found trailing across the back and shoulders. His almond shaped eyes are dark brown and his nose is solid black. Redbird stands 22 inches at the shoulder and is three feet long in body length, weighing in around 45 pounds.
• Personality •
While Redbird can come across as obnoxious and self-entitled to those who don't know him well it’s generally unintentional on his part. He does tend to run on the sarcastic side and can range anywhere from being very straightforward to horribly passive-aggressive around dogs he dislikes, usually dependent on who he's speaking with. Pair that with the fact he has a habit of subtly teasing others and this doesn't often endear him to many of the other warriors. It's never his intention to be cruel, but for those who don't understand his sense of humor it's easy to become offended by his insults.
That aside, he’s an amiable fellow who means well and can be quite friendly when in good company. Redbird is very compassionate, protective and empathetic which often leads to him being reckless if someone else is in danger. He won't hesitate to put his own life in danger if it means keeping a Clanmate safe and will defend his friends with everything he's got. Redbird might not be the biggest or strongest dog around, but he can be viciously tenacious when necessary. He cares a great deal about his appearance, his vanity never quite reaching the same level as that of his brother Blazepelt, but he can often be found meticulously grooming his fur after a patrol.
• Backstory •
Redbird and his brother Blazepelt were found along the border between MudClan and RoseClan without another soul in sight, no older than three moons old. His attitude was off-putting from the start, stubborn and argumentative. No one was in any hurry to adopt the mouthy outsider and he was passed from family to family until he reached apprentice age and became his mentor's problem.
He was impulsive and defiant as an apprentice, hardly ever listening to his superiors. Redpaw finally had some sense knocked into him when he chased a rabbit into RoseClan territory, ignoring his mentor's calls, and nearly got ripped to shreds by a patrol. After that he learned the value of heeding the adults in his life and proved more obedient. He earned his warrior name later than the other apprentices his age due to his lack of maturity, but ended up shaping into a fine young warrior by the time he was twenty moons.
• Family •
- Blazepelt [Adoptable - Litter Brother - Warrior].
• Other Relationships •
TBD. Open.
• Theme Song •
Nothing's Gonna Stop Us Now - Chase Holfelder (Starship Cover).
• Significant Events •

"Don’t run, stop holding your tongue. Maybe there’s a way out of the cage where you live. Maybe one of these days you can let the light in."
• Image Credit •
Kathrin Mezger [Flickr].
• Name •
Fernpup | Fernpaw | Fernwhisper.
• Age •
6 moons (6 months) old.
• Gender & Sex •
Feminine Nonbinary. She/her, they/them.
• Orientation •
Demisexual & Panromantic.
• Rank •
Warrior Apprentice.
• Subspecies •
Maned Wolf.
• Appearance •
An oddity of a canine. She has a fox-like orange pelt, her paws, legs and muzzle black and tail tipped white in a similar fashion. The similarities end there however. She stands nearly 30 inches tall, with still more room to grow, and weighs in around 45 pounds. Her ears are impossibly large and legs exceptionally long. Dark fur ticks the ruff along the back of her neck and her eyes are a pale shade of green.
• Personality •
Soft-spoken in demeanor, but can prove assertive when necessary. Generally Fernpaw is a quiet canine who will keep to herself unless invited into a conversation or sought out first. She does enjoy the company of others, but also feels fidgety and anxious in the presence of those she isn't well acquainted with. She likes to keep herself busy and be as useful as possible, readily volunteering for duties the other apprentices despise. Fernpaw is undoubtedly on the clumsy side, often tripping over her own legs.
• Backstory •
Her history wasn't anything out of the ordinary up until her apprenticeship began. Her mentor, a wolf called Blackclaw, was an impatient warrior who often pushed her beyond her limits. He was often too rough and nit-picked at everything she did and said. Her mother noticed, and outraged, demanded her daughter be given a new mentor. Under a new warrior's tutelage Fernpaw has improved in her training, but is easily spooked and nervous.
• Family •
- Rowanpelt | Mother | OPEN.
• Other Relationships •
• Theme Song •
Brave - Sara Bareilles..
• Significant Events •
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