Posted by Buffalo Scrotum!

Marsoplis (#139692)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-04-29 03:14:13
I have got a lion scrotum now.. the main thing I needed but was going to see if anyone had a buffalo scrotum they would be willing to trade to help more.

Stuff I could offer:
1. Easter eggs (I currently have over 200)
2. Free dwarf from her breeding /if/ she has more than one dwarf

3. Backgrounds such as:
1: Namibian medows
2: Snowy Forest
3: Primordial Spring
4: Vanishing Giants

4. I think? 6 roasted lambs

Im not really sure what else I could offer so please ask.

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Edited on 29/04/18 @ 14:10:25 by Gracia (#139692)

Ryun(ferus dbl
doubloon rose) (#77477)

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Posted on
2018-04-29 03:44:29
I have a lions balls that I'd be happy to off for you persian horses, and and a lamb. Do you have any buffalo scrotem? WIll give you a better chance of getting a dwarf

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Marsoplis (#139692)

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Posted on
2018-04-29 08:57:44
No I dont, but thx for these.. I will make a trade.

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