Posted by Change Clan-to-Member Payment System

EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-05-02 08:44:05
For anyone who is an owner/admin for a Clan, if you've ever needed to send money from the Clan to a specific player for whatever reason, you'll know exactly how much of a pain it is. Memorize the player's ID number, scroll through a gigantic dropdown list organized by ID, and find the player. I've had to deal with this for a ~250-member Clan; I don't even want to think about what this is like for a 500-member or 1000-member clan. Just to make this less of a hassle, it would be nice if we could just copy and paste the player's ID into a box, like with messages, and just send the SB/GB that way.

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