Posted by Grandpaws and Items

Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-05-03 09:12:25
So! I had a lovely little accident last week and, long story short, kinda stuffed a fair number of valuable items down my Grandpaw's throat. Thankfully the mods sorted it up [thanks to whoever handled that! <33], but I'd hate to see someone, say, waste 100 Torts or a Scent of Fuchsia on their old, dying Grandpaw. =/

A simple, tiny suggestion: Grandpaws should only appear in dropdowns for Food and Amusement items [and maybe Decor]

- They have no use for EXP, given there are no Grandpaw leaderboards.
- They don't need new markings/bases/mutations/etc when they're incapable of breeding.
- Decor is an iffy one; you might want to re-apply your Lab Test Frog for lore reasons, or give him a cute companion for his twilight years, but I don't know if many people will want to waste a use on Decor for only one year of a lion's life, so I'm leaving this one as a so-so.
- IDK why or how anything else could be applied to a Grandpaw, but they probably shouldn't be.

Given that Grandpaws may share the same name as your previous King, it only takes a single brainfart to give him goodies you'd intended to hand to your main man. Let's provide a lil' brainfart protection and stop our old men from eating all our Drones! =,D

This suggestion has 14 supports and 1 NO support.

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Edited on 03/05/18 @ 09:44:36 by Agryo [Side, rolls near-daily] (#84746)

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