Posted by New primal variationt: nimravid/dinictis

seventyleven (#140012)

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Posted on
2018-05-14 19:21:33
I don’t know if lioden needs or wants new primal variations BUT I thought this would be kind of fun.
So this primal would be long-bodied and sleek with much shorter canines than a smilus. They also have plantigrade back legs, sort of like a bear. The males might have a hint of their mane color showing on their neck fur like a male leopon, or maybe both males and females would have some mane colored neck fur idk. I’d imagine as a whole they’d look something kind of like this except, you know, actually in the lioden style and not mine haha
The biggest difference between these guys and a normal primal or primal variation is that they could only be bred from either a primal/primal variation and a leopon or an already existing nimravid and any other lion. Breeding using the first technique offers about a 5-10% chance and breeding using the second technique offers a chance of about half of that. This would keep these guys kind of rare but not as rare as a leopon. Also maybe when tigons are released we could get another variation like this, too!
If anyone has any other ideas, critiques, or names for this primal then please comment aaaa

I need to add some things I didn’t add before b/c I’m dumb sob.
First of all this would definitely not be an average primal, if I’m breeding a hecking leopoN for any mutation other than a leopon I’m going to want it to be a good one, and a simple change in lineart without any other positive qualities won’t do. This primal would have some sort of boost, but wheather it’s in stats, fighting, hunting, etc. I don’t know. I figured that once I thought of this boost I’d edit it into this post but I should’ve at least mentioned this before because otherwise you’d just be supporting another primal that would take owning a leopon to get—which doesn’t sound like a good deal at aLL. The thing is, I can’t think of a boost that not only would be worth the trouble of breeding one of these but would also not be totally overpowered once the mutation became more common. As much as I’d love an easy to get a lion that gave me a ton of extras it would become pointless once the mutation population normalized, so there has to be a reasonable balance!

If y’all could help me figure this out that’d help a lot :”0 maybe a system where the lion has the potential to get a bunch of boosts you couldn’t get otherwise but it requires extra work with a difficulty curve to receive them?? I dunno man.
And honestly this part doesn’t just have to be for this specific primal suggestion, I’d love to see any mutation (especially a passable one yell heah) that offered reasonable boosts and/or something to make primals a little more useful sometime in the future!

This suggestion has 47 supports and 12 NO supports.

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Edited on 15/05/18 @ 17:36:01 by whirligib (#140012)

GlassMountain [Main] (#47586)

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Posted on
2018-05-14 20:38:09
My only issue with this is that since male leopons can't be bred/studded to, only those who have female leopons will be able to breed them and many players unfortunately don't have the kind of luck or currency to own one. :c

However! I do really like the mock-up you did and the overall idea of it, so you still have my support ^_^

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FyreKit (#110998)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-05-15 15:35:02
While like the idea I'm really on the fence because I'd never get one unless I was lucky enough to get a leopon so they'd be more scarce than pons in a way.

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rosette Sutekh (#140578)

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Posted on
2018-05-15 15:41:27
I don't like the idea of having to breed a primal with a leopon. Not only are Leopons incredibly expensive already, so are their heats. As a casual player I know I'll never get anything as expensive as a Leopon - and I adore the primal mutations.

They'd be incredibly rare, probably rarer then Leopons themselves.

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seventyleven (#140012)

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Posted on
2018-05-15 15:59:15
But that’s how piebalds worked—they were first released as a Black Friday exclusive MOD that could only be received by buying 50$+ worth of gold beetles. They were very expensive at first but soon enough tons were bred, people kinged their piebalds and offered them for studding and over time they became common enough that you can snag one at the trading center for as low as 2 gb.
I’m pretty sure that these primals would start out as VERY over-priced lions that only the lucky and/or hardcore players would have but eventually once one was kinged and offered studding more and more cubs would begin to pop up until it becomes a fairly common mutation, but hopefully not so common that they’re completely useless. It would give primals some more use and would be kind of fun (and frustrating because I for one certainly won’t be getting a leopon anytime soon unless if I’m REALLY lucky ripp)

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Black Rhinoceros (#68593)

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Posted on
2018-05-15 21:05:15
No support. It is WAY too hard to breed to a Leopon. This mutation would be even rarer than Leopons. Nope. Sorry.

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seventyleven (#140012)

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Posted on
2018-05-15 21:21:44
But,,, i don’t want them to be easily achievable. There’s probably a reason why muties with boosts haven’t been added yet, and if they are added in the future I can imagine they won’t be easy to get at all. And like I mentioned in my previous comment, something like this would eventually become fairly common, like piebalds have. Maybe a bit less so with a pass rate a little lower than pies (piebalds only have a 5% pass rate by themselves,) It’s just that in the beginning something like this would be way overblown just like everything else here from new items to new bases and sooner or later the price drops as it spreads. You wouldn’t be able to get it quickly but if people king a mutie like this you can stud to them and cross your fingers just like you would with breeding to a piebald.

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FyreKit (#110998)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-05-16 15:41:30
I think it's more the near impossibility of getting one in the first place to king to let other people stud to that is turning people off of the idea. Not easily achievable is quite different from almost impossible. Basically they would be more rare than a first generation leopon at first. No way to spend real life currency to get one such as with the MOD Piebald, which while initially hugely expensive were obtainable enough to spread far and wide. I'm personally not sure if these would ever really spread with the difficulty of obtaining even one to start breeding others from.

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