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Posted by | Leopon face |
![]() Sheriff (#120443) Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-20 21:12:57 |
I was looking at the leopon art on a video and then i rushed to look at mine and i realized how awkward her ears are. She faces straight at you and her ear on the right is placed as if she's facing slightly forward and the ears look like they wouldn't be symmetrical. ![]() I think that the art should be updated to be more proportional and symetrical |
Dember (#14130)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-20 21:26:57 |
I never fully realized this before, even though there's always been something "off" about female leopon faces to me. The update on their eyes did help a bit, but there's still something less appealing about them than the males or even the adolescents to me. I think this might actually be a subconscious aspect of them that has been bugging me, because you're absolutely right - the forehead does seem too prominent there - definitely more pronounced than the other side of the head for sure. That "ear set" would be perfect for a 3/4 view (which might have been a concept in the original sketch, perhaps?), but that's very much a full frontal stare and the ear is indeed a bit oddly positioned on the skull - almost-but-not-quite like it comes out of the neck more than where an ear should be. As an artist myself, I think this could be pulled off by modifying the lines themselves without actually changing the "silhouette" (and thus, decors & custom decors should be largely unaffected) I support this small improvement tweak. : ) (also...dangit, now I cannot unsee this on my own leopon...thanks a lot. lmao) ![]() |
Kraft (#1105)
Sinister View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-20 21:27:56 |
Sheriff (#120443)
Impeccable View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-20 21:35:18 |
Lol I saw it while I was watching a lioden video on youtube and I saw it on a leopon and i rushed to look at my pon and now i can't unsee it either ;p ![]() Edited on 20/05/18 @ 21:40:56 by CoastOfCuba (#120443) |
Dember (#14131)
View Forum Posts ![]() Posted on 2018-05-20 22:07:58 |
I'd like to add that, while looking at quite a few photos for reference, I did notice that leopards *do* rotate each ear individually, so you often see them with both ears pointed in very different directions -- but I don't actually think that's what this was intended to be; if so, the ear wouldn't just be smaller, it would probably be drawn differently altogether, such as higher up in the image and shaped differently if it were supposed to be aimed farther away from the "camera". I think it's likely we're a little bit spoiled by all the newer artwork updates Lioden is so generous with providing (seriously, this site has art updates more than all the others I've browsed put together), so we're more apt to notice minor errors or oddities with the more "dated" images that, while still undeniably gorgeous art, would no doubt be much higher quality if drawn today as opposed to a few years ago. That said, I can only imagine how much worse it must be for the artists who have improved over time! I know I'm not the only one who is my own worst critic with the ability to pinpoint anatomy errors like a laser-guided homing pigeon on my old outdated art, lmao. It's tricky to find frontal photos with "airplane ears". These were the closest I could find, but they're not exactly what I was looking for. I also never realized how large lioden's leopon's ears are compared to a real lion or leopard's. That doesn't look bad at all though. ![]() A 3/4 view (between frontal and side/profile view), for comparison (because I need to remember that not everybody speaks "artist" : P) - ![]() p.s. - glad to know I'm not the only one who stumbled across lioden youtube videos, lol i have no life please send help ![]() Edited on 20/05/18 @ 22:10:56 by Dember (#14131) |
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