Posted by | S A V A G E - R O Y A L T Y [Applications] |
HRABAN (#96707) Cursed View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-21 10:46:39 |
H U N T E R Clan hunters are responsable for gathering food, toys, and nesting Material for the clan. They are the persons you go to when you really need supplies for your Pride in an emergency. Please keep in mind, that hunters are players too, and work hard for what they have, therefore begging for free stuff, when you are not in the current need of it is NOT allowed! If you can, please give your helpfull hunter some SB or something else nice in return for their servive! <3 This is not obliged but highly appreciated! Lioden Name: M E N T O R You are a more experienced player and love to help your fellow members? Then this might be the perfect job for you! Mentors help new members to get around the clan. They should be able to explain our complex breeding system to other people, and have at least basic knowledge of Lioden genetics! When members have questions or want opinions for their breeding projects or on how to archieve a goal (for example breeding for a specific combo base) the Mentor is there to help! :D Lioden Name: Want to become an official Clan-Breeder of Savage Royalty? This is the place! Lioden Name: I got approved! Yaay! Whats next? If your Application got approved, you will receive an un-watermarked version of this SR-Breeders badge, thats shown below. Your task will be now, to follow the instructions on the official breeders thread under "Setting up your Breeders-Catalogue" and start up your business! :D What If I don't get approved? We will make suggestions on how you can improve! :D We will try our best to be as open as we can in approving members to be a breeder, but you have to see that it will be of no use if you only breed one marked NCL's with under 100 stats..or any other special traits u get what I mean? It would be against what we are striving for in our clan. We want to increase quality! not decrease! Of course you can try again anytime later and send a new application if you have the feeling that your pride as improved! 0 players like this post! Like? Edit Post Edited on 22/05/18 @ 12:12:39 by Havoc「𝓢𝟐𝓓」 (#96707) |
Coleoptera (#122306)
Sweetheart View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-21 14:27:12 |
MENTOR APP Lioden Name: ID: Please Mark with a cross the areas you are most skilled with a cross: Genetics: [X] Market|Pricecheck [X] Clan matters (Rules, Breeding System etc) [X] General Forums: [X] Coding (html|CSS) : [_] General Lioden: [X] What else?: Not sure what else to say. I also have advice for things off of Lioden, like Discord as well. Need name help or help with what items to use in a reverse studding? I got that too. BREEDER APP Lioden Name: Mheetu the Xanthic God/Mheeto the Cheeto ID: 122306 is my main What do you breed for? [keywords]: Xanthic, Olive, Citrine, Special Golds, Patches, Primal, Muties, Feralis Red, Special Eyes, Etc. Show your King: https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?mid=122306 Show your best Lions: I only keep lions I consider amazing, though my best cave may be The Dark Brotherhood or Zesty Xanthics. All of my muties are in Miraculous Mutations and my Pride Dynasty. Your stat range? [example 100-400]: My kings are currently between 300-1000. My side king will be up to 700+ soon when he's mutie replaced. What are your current projects?: Xanthic Muties and Olives. Do you offer girls for reverse breeding?: I sure do! I even offer dwarves, two of which have special bases *wink wink* Why do you want to become a Clan breeder?: Well, I have a lot of lions (over 100...) and I feel they have a lot to offer. What else would you like to say? I will provide a 50 SB discount off of my king's breedings to clan members 0 players like this post! Like? |
HRABAN (#96707)
Cursed View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-21 14:42:24 |
@ Mheetu MENTOR APPLICATION: A C C E P T E D! BREEDER APPLICATION: A C C E P T E D! I will PM you the official Breeders Badge so you can get started and diskuss further conditions about your Mentors Job on Discord! :D 0 players like this post! Like? |
Remy (#138315)
Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-21 16:31:18 |
Lioden Name: Remy ID: 138315 What do you breed for? [keywords]: Golden bases, mainly Trophy, better stats, pretty lions Show your King: With Decor Without Decor Show your best Lions: Your stat range? [example 100-400]: Currently between 100-2000 What are your current projects?: Trophy, Hellebore, Cloudburst, special based muties Do you offer girls for reverse breeding?: I plan to with this group Why do you want to become a Clan breeder?: I'd like to offer my trophy boy so that others can try and breed the base as well. What else would you like to say? Hi Hav :D 0 players like this post! Like? |
HRABAN (#96707)
Cursed View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-22 09:15:37 |
Remy (#138315)
Sapphic View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-22 11:44:35 |
xXDruidXx (#74535)
Nice Guy View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-22 11:56:32 |
Hunter ApplicationLioden Name: xXDruidXx ID: 147515 What can you Distribute? (please mark with a cross) Food [x] Toys [x] Nesting Material [x] How much can you distribute? [count in uses]: I get new stuff everyday pretty much! Especially excess food. How active are you? Almost everyday. What else do you want to say? Heya :D Mentor ApplicationLioden Name: xXDruidXx ID: 147515 Please Mark with a cross the areas you are most skilled with a cross: Genetics: [_] Market|Pricecheck [x] Clan matters (Rules, Breeding System etc) [x] General Forums: [x] Coding (html|CSS) : [x] (Not a massive coder but I know layouts and "necessities") General Lioden: [x] What else?: I do know how the genetics work and am very good with quick research, but I don't have enough on hand knowledge to want to tick the box ^-^ Why do you want to become a Mentor?: I love helping other players and feel a sense of strong community/assistance really helps improve my own and other players game experience. How many members would you take into your custody?: 5? I could take more but don't want to overload ^-^ Breeder ApplicationLioden Name: xXDruidXx ID: 147515 What do you breed for? [keywords]: onyx, reds, primals. (preferably rare bases) Show your King: https://www.lioden.com/lion.php?mid=74535 Show your best Lions: I have a Leopon and dwarf who are on my side to prevent aging and am about to design two queens with full markings (oasis creations). Your stat range? [example 100-400]: 400-800, however I have some tree found lions who are lower and occasional lions who are higher. What are your current projects?: None yet, except breeding my better stats, markings and primals. Do you offer girls for reverse breeding?: I do, but not my queens typically. Why do you want to become a Clan breeder?: Lions, cubs and more cubs :D What else would you like to say? I can offer discounts to members ^-^ My bad only just saw the WIP notice, should I delete the post? 0 players like this post! Like? Edited on 22/05/18 @ 12:01:08 by xXDruidXx (#74535) |
HRABAN (#96707)
Cursed View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-22 12:10:35 |
Hey! Lmao nope its actually no WIP anymore owO I've finished the post yesterday lmao lemme read Through your applications :3 0 players like this post! Like? |
HRABAN (#96707)
Cursed View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-22 13:54:06 |
xXDruidXx (#74535)
Nice Guy View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-22 13:55:39 |
Thank you so much! (It's late where I live so everything won't be sorted out straight away if that's okay :) ) 0 players like this post! Like? |
HRABAN (#96707)
Cursed View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-22 13:56:48 |
Valana {HM} (#44115)
View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-23 08:56:35 |
Breeder Application Lioden Name:Valana ID:44115 What do you breed for? [keywords]: On my main: red Colour Group, aiming for Fiery; also dwarfs (I have 3; 2 on my main, 1 on my side); Teardrop base (but that's just a little side project); I have a bunch of Mottled as well On my side: Asiatic base + hard mode Show your King: main + side Show your best Lions: Main: Bobbed Tail Teardrop, Custom Lioness, One of many mottled girls, Pretty Peibald, Another Piebald, Dwarf, Baby Dwarf, She's just sooo pretty, Golden Beauty, Fiery + Bloodbourne, Cherry Blossom + Vit, Black + White, Can't wait for her to grow up and pose her <3 Side: Custom Beauty, Little Bean (you can see all the markings in cub stage, Asiatic <3 Your stat range? [example 100-400]: Main: Terrible right now, will stat replace in 1-3 month with 2000+, though Side: King is at 500, will stat replace with 1000+ when he dies naturally What are your current projects?: Main: Get my king onto a Fiery base + Mane; more dwarfs; breed some pretty combo bases (Arabica + Soul probably) Side: Asiatic! All the Asiatic everywhere, everywhen, everyhow...and yeah, keep it hard mode. Overall: Maybe start some sort of pride story thingy for my kings + queens just for fun Do you offer girls for reverse breeding?: Sure, I'd be happy to offer my dwarfs after I've bred them 1-2 times myself and some of my other lionesses as well. If and how much the fee is would depend on how much I need them myself. Why do you want to become a Clan breeder?: Sounds like fun. I have a huge pride (90 territory on my main, 60 on my side and I plan on expanding both to 100 eventually) and can't keep all the cubs anyway. I already give away many cubs for free and I plan on selling some prettier ones soon (now that I have a pretty king again after all that project breeding). I also often have girls that are in heat but I don't need to breed for my own goals so I just breed them with my king as to not waste their heat. Offering these girls for reverse breeding sounds like a better option to me :) What else would you like to say? Will offer stud discounts to members. Check out my dens for free cubs? Idk 0 players like this post! Like? |
Bow Down, Mortals. It's Inkk (#138424) Prince of Terror View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-23 16:55:09 |
HUNTER APPLICATION: Lioden Name: Inkk/Countess ID: 131819 (main)/138424 (side, this one) What can you Distribute? (please mark with a cross) Food [x] Toys [x] Nesting Material [x - occasionally] How much can you distribute? [count in uses]: Food, I hunt everyday and have many hunting parties, so I get plenty of food. More than I need. Toys, I generally get feathers with every explore, as well as my toy bundles from rolling over. Nesting Material, a bit harder because I just purged my pride and have been slowly reforming my hoard of material. How active are you? I'm on one or both of my accounts everyday What else do you want to say? I'm Non-Binary, so use they/them please and thank you! ^^ 0 players like this post! Like? |
HRABAN (#96707)
Cursed View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-23 17:29:05 |
@Valana BREEDER APPLICATION: A C C E P T E D! Gonna send you the breeders badge soon :3 @Countess HUNTER APPLICATION: A C C E P T E D! :D Gonna link you on the official clan page soon ^^ 0 players like this post! Like? |
Valana {HM} (#44115)
View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-24 09:22:07 |
Is it alright if I start making the thread(s) even without the badge yet? And are they supposed to be open for everyone ore as exclusive offers to clan members only? Or can I choose to do that however I like? 0 players like this post! Like? |
HRABAN (#96707)
Cursed View Forum Posts Posted on 2018-05-24 09:56:07 |
Sure! You can choose whenever you want it to be clan exclusive or free for all tbh! Mine is free for all too :3 Sorry for the delay in sending you the badge! Sending right away :3 0 players like this post! Like? |