Posted by Beetle suggestions

πŸŒ²πŸ› Latin
Woods πŸ›πŸ•Š (#135952)

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Posted on
2018-05-22 11:08:45
Well there's no way to currently make your beetles immortal. They only live for a month! How sad is that? Sometimes we players may get attached to a certain beetle. Then they die. Double sadness .

Maybe there could be an item to make a beetle immortal?

Oh, and I would also like to include a beetle dynasty as well. :C

Also, you're beetle lives quite a short life. Only living for a month? Now that's short. I think beetles should at least live for 2 months, maybe 3-4!

Some of my beetles are at the age of 24 right now, and I'm going to miss them when they do die.
I just love Lioden's cute little beetles <3

This suggestion has 5 supports and 6 NO supports.

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Edited on 22/05/18 @ 11:11:20 by β˜„οΈStar Ocean β˜„οΈ (#135952)

πŸŒ²πŸ› Latin
Woods πŸ›πŸ•Š (#135952)

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Posted on
2018-05-22 16:22:24
:T Hm. I could've swore this idea would be a hit, can the non-supporters please tell me why they don't support?

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