Posted by Why for all to Buy gb

Warrior (#104846)

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Posted on
2018-05-28 11:57:06
Ok so I know many people want to buy gold Beatles but can’t because Lioden is in England and credit cards, Visa cards and many other cards will not let you buy international which is kind of Frustrating. Also younger players may not have a debit or credit card.

I have a suggestion to help fix this problem!

Now lioden is not going to make a mobile app for this would be way to much coding which has been confirmed and I understand.

BUT what if they made a APP JUST TO BUY GB.

A few years ago I use to play a game called howrse. But at the time I couldn’t buy pass which are there form of gb but then they came out with a app. Now the app sucked and you can do only so much BUT one thing you could do WAS buy passes using iTunes money.

So the point is if lioden made a app that doesn’t have much coding but could at least let people in the USA and others countries be able to buy gb using iTunes money many would be happy and lioden would probably make a crap load of money because if I could I would have bought a lot of gb by now.

Alright that’s all

This suggestion has 47 supports and 28 NO supports.

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Lick (#117176)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-05-28 12:19:56
I like the idea I’ve always wanted to buy gb but can’t. I don’t care if the app sucks as long as I can get gb I would be happy.

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TetraTwinkle ─★
(side) (#133795)

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Posted on
2018-05-28 12:24:20
Haha I used to play howrse too. Its actually how I found out about lioden - as another player on there mentioned it to me. Now I left Howrse and have stayed with Lioden since xD

& If some people cant pay for gb and this would really help the situation, then I think its a good idea.

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Storm (#128568)

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Posted on
2018-05-28 19:56:20
I think it's a good idea. I would so buy gb.

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Ariaminth - G1
Revived 7-4-14 (#61056)

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Posted on
2018-06-07 09:34:59
It's a good idea.

But I'm in the USA and buy GB every so often. Never have I had an issue with buying GB

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Warrior (#104846)

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Posted on
2018-06-07 10:38:56
Mattering on what tipe of card you have some can and some can’t. Say your 16-20 years old you may not have a credit card and can only get a visa gift card or debt card and the USA government made buying stuff from other countries using cards harder around 2012.

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Edited on 07/06/18 @ 10:46:15 by Warrior (#104846)

Ariaminth - G1
Revived 7-4-14 (#61056)

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Posted on
2018-06-07 10:46:10
I use Visa pretty much every time I buy GB and haven't had an issue and I've used American Express as well without an issue.

PayPal works just as well too.

Either way it would be a good idea just saying I haven't had issues buying GB and I live in the USA

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xXDruidXx (#74535)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2018-06-07 10:49:01
I live in Wales, next to England, never had a problem using my visa!

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Warrior (#104846)

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Posted on
2018-06-07 14:57:45
Any one how lives in wales or England should be fine as for visa would have to Visa card vivid international which are hard to find or has to be registered by bank.

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Peking Doose
#Beetleden (#63419)

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Posted on
2018-06-08 09:25:54
The main issue with going through something like iTunes or Apple is they tend to take a high cut from each purchase like 30% or so. So if LD were to accept purchases from them they'll have to charge you more for less GB in order to cover cost. And many of these companies don't pay until a 7-60 days after the month.

Compared to paypal (which I fortunately haven't had an issue with) payment is almost instant if not than within 7 business days & their transaction fees highest I've seen was a few dollars.

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xXDruidXx (#74535)

Nice Guy
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Posted on
2018-06-08 09:46:53
Also, I feel like this fact may be an issue if you were to pay via something else:
"Please note, if you are purchasing GB from an EU member state that is not the UK your purchase will be handled manually by an admin due to EU laws."
I'm not sure how they would be able to manually handle it, if you were to buy from something like iTunes money!

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