Posted by Transferring Items to Linked Accounts

Jean [Side] 💕 (#111807)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2018-05-28 16:57:26
Okay, so I hope this idea doesn't already exist, if so please tell me.

A lot of the time, I have to transfer items back and forth between my two accounts, such as breeding items or stuff like catnip, and I normally realize these things while I'm on the hoard page. I thought it would be awesome if we could click on an item from our hoard, and just directly transfer it to our linked account. I understand that there is a "send gift" button on the den page, but I have to go to my den, scroll down, click my linked account, and send the item that way. It's just not as convenient. Also, sometimes I forget the name of the item, and I only recognize the picture, which you cannot see with the "send gift".

What I'm suggesting is a button, maybe that says "Transfer to Linked Account", that appears when you click an item from your hoard. We would still be keeping the send gift button, but this would be more convenient for when transferring only one item, or a few.

As for items in stacks, we could have a little box that we could type how many we would send. I got the inspiration for this idea from the feature that was recently added, transferring currency to linked accounts, and I thought that this would be a lot easier for users.

Other User Suggestions: (These are very much appreciated)

Thanks for reading my reaaaaaaally long paragraph explaining my idea, please support, and before you no support, could you maybe explain to me why? It would really help me build on the idea to make it better. <3 <3 <3

This suggestion has 93 supports and 1 NO support.

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Art3mis, DVM 2026 |
G1WH2xROS (#52164)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2021-08-02 17:30:56

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Edited on 02/08/21 @ 17:31:28 by Art3mis ➳ [SIDE] (#52164)

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