Posted by New Base Genetics

Black Rhinoceros 2.0 (#69356)

Deathlord of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-05-29 04:05:37
This is a guide to the new base genetics that have been suggested by DressageQueen and Berenos. I loved it so much, I thought I would take it a step further!
Here is the Suggestion: Click Me

Common bases are found in explore.
Albino, Caramel, Cedar, Chocolate, Cream, Cream Darker, Cream Lighter, Dark Golden, Deep Fawn, Dove Gray, Khaki, Lemon, Light Cream, Light Golden, Mongoose, Rosy Brown, Savannah, Sienna, Sundust, Sunflower, White, Zarin, Zarasa, Zarbanu, Zarafshan, Zer, Zivar

Uncommon bases are current custom and breed common bases.
Almond, Antler, Apricot, Auburn, Beige, Birch, Bisque, Bisquit, Black, Blonde, Bone, Brass, Bronze, Brown, Chestnut, Copper, Cremello, Dark Brown, Dark Fawn, Dark Vanilla, Deira, Dikela, Doubloon, Ducat, Dun, Dusty Rose, Eggshell, Fallow, Fawn, Ginger, Gray, Hazelnut, Henna, Isabel, Jacinthe, Jet, Linen, Liver, Luteo, Mahogany, Mauve, Obsidian, Ochre, Palomino, Pecan, Persimmon, Pewter, Redwood, Ruddy, Rust, Saffron, Sandy, Silver, Silver Gray, Sorrel, Steele, Sterling, Sunglow, Tan, Tawny, Titanium, Vandal, Vanilla, Wild Rose

Rare bases are current special bases obtained with the regular Base Changer and/or breeding that only need the genetics requirements to be met to appear.
Amber, Anjeer, Ashen, Buff, Buttercream, Buttermilk, Cameo, Champagne, Chartreux, Cinnabar, Clear White, Cocoa, Dinar, Ebony, Fiery, Flint, Korat, Maltese, Maroon, Nacarat, Onyx, Prune, Russet, Sapela, Slate, Sulphur, Sunshine, Teardrop, Topaz, Udara, Umber, Xanthic

Legendary bases special bases applicable with their own applicators or breeding to a parent that already has it.
Anubis, Arctic, Ardor, Bast, Blazing, Bloodbourne, Blush Rose, Chatoyant, Cherry Blossom, Ethereal, Fossil, Fuchsia, Glacial, Green, Hallowed, Hematite, Ice, Inferno, Ivory, Manakbir, Moonstone, Nacre, Nuumite, Opal, Penumbra, Rhodonite, Seth, Supernal, Trophy, Unholy

Legendary (Combo)
Legendary (Combo) bases are bases obtained by breeding two specific bases together.
Arabica, Asiatic, Black Rose, Cairngorm, Citrine, Cloudburst, Hellebore, Gilded, Madagascar, Olive, Qahir, Soul

Legendary (Exclusive)
Legendary (Exclusive) bases are rare bases that can only be found in explore and need at least one parent to pass.
Asali, Mobola

Epic bases are special bases that aren't applicable and need a parent to have it to be obtained.
Celestial, Haze, Kimanjano, Lilac, Orchid, Pearl, Sepia, Sidereal, Skyward, Sunset

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Edited on 31/05/18 @ 20:10:18 by Black Rhinoceros 2.0 (#69356)

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