Posted by Available broodmoms link

TheSubliminalSea (#116709)

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Posted on
2018-05-29 17:21:24
We've all been there, clicking through cubs and we find that special one we want to protect right there, without flipping over to the nearest broodmother. Or we have a mut lioness (like blind or eyeless) who only gains exp. by watching those orney cubs, so we want to be sure she is always doing her job.

My proposal, make the "not protected" line on a cub's page clickable to a list of broodmoms with openings for more cubs. We can select the mom there, then click back to the den. Just a little thing to make it easier to protect cubs from their own pages. I think this would be especially useful to prides with more than 20 lions, and even with Fa/Pa it could be useful.

This suggestion has 26 supports and 0 NO supports.

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