Posted by Tigyena's Nursery

knobbALPHA (#115794)

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Posted on
2018-05-29 18:02:06

Tigyena's Nursery
FAQ & Rules - You are here! - Player's Dens - Explore - General Store - Adoption Center - Polls

The form to have your Tigyena's bred is in FAQ & Rules!

Official Studs
Scorched Cedarwood
Base: Light Cream
Mark 1: White Unders
Mark 2: Medium Points
Mark 3: White Chin
Mark 4: Stripe Dominant
Mark 5: Dark Ears
Mark 6: White Mane

Studding Fee: 150 SB

Fiery Embers
Base: Orange
Mark 1: White Unders
Mark 2: Medium Point
Mark 3: Dark Mane
Mark 4: Mixed Spots and Stripes
Mark 5: Dark Ears
Mark 6: White Ear Spots

Studding Fee: 150 SB

Chocolate Orange
Base: Dark orange
Mark 1: White Unders
Mark 2: Large Points
Mark 3: White Snout
Mark 4: White Chin
Mark 5: White Mane
Mark 6: Stripe Dominant
Mark 7: Dark Ear Rims

Studding Fee: 150 SB

Discovered Genetics
Dark Orange
Light Orange
Light Cream
Dark Cream
Dark Grey

Dominant Stripes
Mixed Spots & Stripes
Dominant Spots
White Unders
Dark Unders
White Mane
Dark Mane
Dark Ears
White Ears
Dark Ear Rims
White Ear Rims
Large Points
Light Large Points
Medium Points
Light Medium Points
Small Points
Light Small Points
White Toes
White Blaze
Dark Blaze
White Snout
Dark Snout
White Chin
Dark Tips
White Tips
White Ear Spots
Dark Ear Spots
White Eyelids
Dark Eyelids
White Undereye
Tail Stripes
Light Back
Dark Back

Overgrown mane

In Heat Females

Nesting Females
Sigrid(#130854) - She's gonna be overdue cause knobb forgot all about her :") - Nest & GMO Steak - Cheveyo(#133586)
Shaman(#105550) - Today! - Nest - Renegade(#105550)
Bonfire(#323222) - Today! - Tiger Eye & Nest - Chocolate Orange
Ember(#70222) - Today! - Tiger Eye & Nest - Storm(#70222)
Lunar(#323222) - Today! - Tiger Eye & Nest - Cheveyo(#133586)

Nursing Females
Shaman(#105550) - Three Days Left - Nest - Renegade(#105550)
Bonfire(#323222) - Three Days Left - Tiger Eye & Nest - Chocolate Orange
Ember(#70222) - Three Days Left - Tiger Eye & Nest - Storm(#70222)
Lunar(#323222) - Three Days Left - Tiger Eye & Nest - Cheveyo(#133586)
Secondhand Smoke(#20195) - One Days Left! - Three Cubs - Tornac(#96707)

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Edited on 03/06/18 @ 22:06:25 by knobbALPHA (#115794)

Horus (#105550)

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Posted on
2018-05-30 11:07:28
Username: Eyes of Horus
ID: 105550
Female Tigyena: Shaman
Male Tigyena: Renegade

Items: Nest

Female Family Tree:
Base: Dark Orange
Mark 1: Dark Unders
Mark 2: Small Points
Mark 3: Dominant Spots
Mark 4: White Mane
Mark 5: White Snout
Mark 6: Dark Tips
Mark 7: Dark ears
Mark 8: White Eyelids

Male Family Tree:
Base: Orange
Mark 1: White Small Points
Mark 2: White Mane
Mark 3: Mixed Spots & Stripes
Mark 4: Dark Ear Rims
Mark 5: Dark Eyelids
Mark 6: Light Back

Total Cost: 300 SB (Sent)

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Sundance (#32322)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-05-30 14:48:25

Username: Sundance
ID: 32322
Female Tigyena: Bonfire
Male Tigyena: Chocolate Orange
Items: Tiger Eye & Nest
Female Family Tree:
Male Family Tree:
Base: Dark orange
Mark 1: White Unders
Mark 2: Large Points
Mark 3: White Snout
Mark 4: White Chin
Mark 5: White Mane
Mark 6: Stripe Dominant
Mark 7: Dark Ear Rims

Total Cost: 450 SB

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Emby (#70222)

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Posted on
2018-05-30 19:17:10
Username: Aleu Ember
ID: 70222
Female Tigyena: Ember
Male Tigyena: Storm
Items: Nest and Tiger Eye (Bought in general store payment sent)
Female Family Tree:

Age: 2 1/2 years
Base: Orange
Mark 1: White Unders
Mark 2: Stripe Dominant
Mark 3: Medium Point
Mark 4: White Toes
Mark 5: Dark Ears
Mark 6: White ear Spots
Mark 7: White Chin
Mark 8: White Mane

Male Family Tree:

Age: 5 years old
Base: Dark Grey
Mark 1: Dark Unders
Mark 2: Large Point
Mark 3: Spots Dominant
Mark 4: White Mane
Mark 5: White Toes
Mark 6: White Chin
Mark 7: Dark Ears
Mark 8: White Ear Spots
Mark 9: White Blaze

Total Cost: 300 SB

Sending Payment now

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Africa (#9670)

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Posted on
2018-05-30 20:10:07
Username: Africa
ID: #9670
Female Tigyena: Hasira
Male Tigyena: Bonjo
Items: nest & mushroom
Family Tree: markings can be found in their bio
Total Cost: 300 + 400 in items

Both payments sent!

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Edited on 30/05/18 @ 20:38:05 by Africa (#9670)

knobbALPHA (#115794)

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Posted on
2018-05-30 20:26:29
Go buy the items from the general store first!
Don't forget the breeding fee in the form for here!

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Sundance (#32322)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-05-30 21:57:10
Username: Sundance
ID: 32322
Female Tigyena: Lunar
Male Tigyena: Cheveyo (Owned by DeathKeeper)
Items: Tiger Eye, Nest

Female Family Tree:
Age: 3.5 Years old
Base: Dark Grey
Mark 1: White Unders
Mark 2: Medium Points
Mark 3: Dominant Stripes
Mark 4: Dark Mane
Mark 5: White Toes
Mark 6: Dark Ears
Mark 7: White Ear Spots
Mark 8: White Tailtip
Mutation: Melanism

Male Family Tree:
Gender: Male
Age: 3 ½ Years
Base: Dark Grey
Mark 1: White Unders
Mark 2: Large Points
Mark 3: Mixed Spots & Stripes
Mark 4: White Mane
Mark 5: White Toes
Mark 6: White Blaze
Mark 7: White Chin
Mark 8: Dark Ears

Total Cost: 300 SB + 300Sb to DeathKeeper
And 25% of it to you

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knobbALPHA (#115794)

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Posted on
2018-05-30 22:02:38
Sorry, it seems Cheveyo isn't up for stud!
I'm afraid you can't use him unless you get permission (send me a screenshot of proof through PM) or Deathkeeper puts him up for stud!


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Edited on 30/05/18 @ 22:29:25 by knobbALPHA (#115794)

knobbALPHA (#115794)

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Posted on
2018-05-31 00:38:47
Oh no!
Hasira ate a mushroom and is going into labor early! Thank goodness she has a nest otherwise I'm sure the cubs would've died!

Hasira is now a happy mother of four cubs!

The firstborn, a male

The secondborn, a male

The thirdborn, a female

The lasbor-
Oh what's this?
It seems this cub has an undiscovered mutation!
And she's a girl!

Would you like to keep them all or give a few up for adoption?

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Africa (#9670)

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Posted on
2018-05-31 01:43:26
Awww how precious!
I'll keep them all

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Horus (#105550)

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Posted on
2018-05-31 06:36:17
Congrats Africa. They're all gorgeous.

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HRABAN (#96707)

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Posted on
2018-05-31 12:10:45
Username: Havoc
ID: #96707
Female Tigyena: "Secondhand Smoke" [Belongs to Harley Quinn]
Male Tigyena: Tornac (my own)
Items: GMO Steak , Nest , Tiger Eye, Mushroom
Female Family Tree: Explore Tigryena (Heritageless?)
Male Family Tree: Explore Tigryena (Herigateless?)
Total Cost: 300 SB + 900SB in Items (Paying in GB)

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Edited on 31/05/18 @ 12:18:34 by Havoc「𝓢𝟐𝓓」 (#96707)

Rin Spiritwolf (#20915)

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Posted on
2018-05-31 13:30:56
Havoc has permission to breed with my female “Secondhand Smoke”.

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🌸🌺Skai🌺🌸 (#130854)

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Posted on
2018-05-31 20:37:43
Username: Skai
ID: 130854
Female Tigyena: Sigrid
Base: Cream
Mark 1: Dark Unders
Mark 2: Small Points
Mark 3: Dominant Spots
Mark 4: White Mane
Mark 5: White Toes
Mark 6: White Chin
Mark 7: Dark Ears
Mark 8: White Ear Spots

Male Tigyena: CHEVEYO
Base: Dark Grey
Mark 1: White Unders
Mark 2: Large Points
Mark 3: Mixed Spots & Stripes
Mark 4: White Mane
Mark 5: White Toes
Mark 6: White Blaze
Mark 7: White Chin
Mark 8: Dark Ears

Items: Nest, GMO Steak
Female Family Tree: Explore Tigryena (Heritageless)
Male Family Tree: Heritageless
Total Cost: 300 SB + 150 SB = 450 SB

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Edited on 31/05/18 @ 20:54:02 by 🌸🌺Skai🌺🌸 (#130854)

knobbALPHA (#115794)

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Posted on
2018-05-31 22:10:37
Oh no!
Secondhand Smoke ate a mushroom and is going into labor early! Thank goodness she has a nest otherwise I'm sure the cubs would've died!

Secondhand Smoke is now a happy mother of three cubs!

The firstborn, a male, he seems to have an undiscovered mutation!

The secondborn, a female

The lastborn, a female

Would you like to keep all of them or give some up for adoption?

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HRABAN (#96707)

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Posted on
2018-06-01 00:03:00
Aaaah thats so awesome <3 I would love to keep all three but I promised Harley one of the cubs X'D

So I'm gonna go with both dark ones! And Harley Quinn gets the bright female :3
(Can I genderchange the male to a female please? gonna purchase the item in the store~)

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