Posted by Hearing Impaired Mutation

ShyWolfGamer (#64184)

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Posted on
2018-06-08 17:04:22
With the brand new deaf mutation released, it seems like a good time to talk about adding in partly deaf, aka hearing impaired, lions! Like the deaf mutation, there would be no need to change the art. However, there are several things that could separate the deaf and hearing impaired mutations.

1. The mutation might be discovered up later in life. Why? The lion can still hear, just not as well. So it might take the pride a little while to catch onto the fact that the cub's hearing isn't perfect. They can still (obviously) communicate with the pride, but the pride might have to raise their voice for the cub to properly hear them. Or, for ease of programming, it could be discovered at birth.

2. It wouldn't be as lethal, or wouldn't be lethal at all. Since the lion does indeed have the ability to hear, the chance of dying would be significantly decreased. However, if there was no chance of death, it might end up overshadowing the deaf mutation as it would be a safer option. So the best solution I can think of is that the lion should have a chance of dying, but the chance is lower than for a deaf lion.

3. The lion could still be allowed to hunt or lead the pride. That being said, it this would make the deaf mutation seem worse or useless in comparison, this could be changed. However, I would argue that a hearing impaired lion would still be able to go about their life normally. Maybe females would have a slightly higher rate of failure when hunting, and males might find fewer items when patrolling.

4. Different flavor text! Most of these are inspired by my childhood (I am hearing impaired, from birth). Sorry its so long, obviously only a few would get selected.
Examples when the lion is a cub/adolescent:
"You had to call Cub several times to get their attention. Silly Cub."
"Cub always seems to yell when they talk, you have a conversation with them about it. Cub apologizes, but you hear them mutter under their breath that they weren't being loud."
"While you and Cub were talking, they gave you a funny look. Confused, you to talk and discover Cub misheard you. You make a note to repeat yourself in a louder, clearer voice whenever Cub looks confused."
"You watch as Cub is sitting by themselves. Another cub sneaks up on them, making some noise as they approach. Cub seems surprised when the other cub ambushes them. How did Cub not hear the other cub approach?"
"Other cubs don't let Cub hang out with them as often, because Cub doesn't always listen when they call. When you talk to Cub, they are confused. They always join the others when they hear their name. Hmmm..."
"The other cubs make fun of Cub for talking too loud." Alternatives for this sentence:
"The other cubs make fun of Cub for misunderstanding them so often."
"The other cubs make fun of Cub for not hearing them when they called out."

For when the mutation is discovered:
"You talked to your pride and came to the same conclusion. Cub is not a normal cub, they can't hear as well as the others."
"You talk to the other cubs about how Cub can't hear as well. They immediately assume Cub can't hear at all and start talking about them. Cub looks hurt. You keep explaining that Cub can hear, just not as well. You doubt the cubs understand, but they will have to learn."

Examples when the lion is an adult/adolescent:
"Even though Cub has been a part of your pride for a while, sometimes you forget they can't hear as well. Cub says that its okay, they understand."
"You overhear Cub explaining how they can't hear as well to a new litter of cubs."
"One day you notice that if you call for Cub and they don't hear, someone else will give them a nudge. Cub seems to appreciate this."
"Sometimes when Cub gets really excited they start to yell again, like when they were a cub. All it takes is a reminder to be a little quieter and Cub quiets down."

Let me know what you think!

This suggestion has 74 supports and 23 NO supports.

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Katria (#10311)

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Posted on
2018-08-23 16:55:41
Yes! Yes!

Perhaps this could lead to visual impairment too? I was 14 before anyone knew I needed glasses because well...I can see but not well.

I LOVE disability related things for our lions so we can see ourselves in them. Am I Rite?

(P.S. To Xy, we love you and all the work you do for us! It doesn't have to be soon, just queued)

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GlassMountain [Side] (#48642)

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Posted on
2018-09-11 09:43:20
I'm sadly leaning towards no support on this one :c

We already have a deaf mutation, and while this would be slightly different, it's so close that I feel the coders could better spend their time on a completely different/unique mutation :c It's just too similar for something that's not even a visual mutation.

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ShyWolfGamer (#64184)

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Posted on
2018-09-11 09:53:03
You have some good points. Thanks for taking the time to reply.

I get it's similar to the deaf mutation, just like in real life hearing impairedness is similar to deafness. Only deafness is far more extreme. I just believe it would be a nice addition since hearing impairedness is far more common than deafness. (And because I'd love to have a lion/lioness with the same problems I do.)

Perhaps a better option would be for it to be an injury? If injuries ever get implemented, it could work as one. Like if a lioness gets bonked on the head, brain damage could cause hearing loss. Or just old age. Or a lioness just getting exposed to a loud sound (like if they were shot at by poachers).

I get that I'm kinda biased on this, so thanks for explaining why you don't support this!

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GlassMountain [Side] (#48642)

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Posted on
2018-09-11 14:09:08
I actually quite love the idea of it being related to some sort of accident :o a lioness could very easily lose sight in one or both eyes if they were kicked while hunting or sprayed in the face with snake venom, which I believe has actually occurred in the wild before. (Ill have to double check once I'm on my laptop)
However I'm sure there would have to be some sort of antidote so someone's beloved hunter isn't done for good x3

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Medd(Side) [G2 Ice
Felis 6bo] (#127107)

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Posted on
2018-09-23 09:04:10
I'm really on the fence about this one. I adore the idea, I just can't picture it being implemented in a way to make it special. I like the injury idea, but as I have pointed out before, it's difficult to do things like that since we do have scars like "white eye left/right". As for it being removed, I would be interested in it being removed with the "bad mutation" remover. If it were to develop.

I like the idea of the lioness being impaired by it, but I just can't see it right now :(

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fortmax (#91111)

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Posted on
2018-10-06 15:37:01
I'm HOH/Hard of Hearing; my only nitpicky thing here would be if it could be called Hard of Hearing rather than Hearing Impaired, but they're lions, doesn't hold the same weight as with humans, lol.

Again, I'm HOH, and there's a difference between us and Deaf people. We face unique challenges, and I feel like having unique disabilities here would be awesome.

Supported, HOWEVER: I would love to see this as one of the proposed inbreeding-related ones, maybe?

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ShyWolfGamer (#64184)

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Posted on
2018-12-04 10:30:25
I'm not sure if it'd be a good inbreeding one since I don't think being hearing impaired is caused by inbreeding. (I was born with hearing loss in my left ear, and I'm definitely not inbred.)

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