Posted by Adjust Item Catalogue

banch (#146846)

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Posted on
2018-06-10 23:32:33
So, the custom decors catalogue, right? You know how it shows the large thumbnails, side by side, and you can preview them on your lion if you click on them? Why not make the official item catalogue that way too? When it comes to other things like food and amusement items, it can be the same layout used in the custom decors catalogue, just not able to be previewed or bought, of course; same with the decor.

I just think it'd make things a lot easier than going to crossroads, clicking on the scrying stone, going to the wardrobe, loading in the needed lion, and then adding one decor on top to see what it'd look like on that one lion. Instead, you can browse the item catalogue and if you think something would fit on your lion, you can click on that item and preview it right there on your lion or lioness!

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