Posted by Looking for RP Partners/Groups

Aleutian (#133247)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-06-16 11:46:51
In an attempt to really get back into writing, I want to try to get back into RPing as well. I used to RP quite a bit back in the day, but it's since fallen off with RL. So I'm hoping I can find either a few partners or a small group to catch my attention.

Must have Discord! This is the only platform I'm currently RPing on!

General Rules
- The typical no godmodding, mary-sues, etc etc.
- I'm not too picky on post length, but do give me at least enough to go on. A simple paragraph will do. If you're having trouble, just ask. I'd be more then willing to help!
- Grammar and spelling should at least be acceptable. I'm certainly not perfect when it comes to grammar.
- RL happens. It's unavoidable. If you're going to be away for a time or something has come up, just tell me.
- When I say group I usually mean about two to three other people, not including myself,

Now on to the topics I'm interested in. I am prioritizing fandom rps at the moment, but I do have some original ideas if someone shows enough interest!

Warriors - I have several characters for this and a couple of plot ideas. They would be set in fan made clans.
Wings of Fire - No real big plot ideas, but I do have ideas for new tribes of dragons.
Pokemon - Several plot ideas depending on what universe you want it set in. (Pokehounds, main series, post-apocalyptic, or mystery dungeon)
ARK: Survival Evolved - At least one idea? Maybe. I've be highly interested in trying this out.
My Little Pony - Ideas for new species, but no real big plot ideas.
Lion King - This one's kinda low. I may consider it, but I have no real big plot ideas.

As I said, I have a couple of original worlds that could work, but I don't think anyone would be interested in them. Feel free to ask any questions as well!

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