Posted by MAC Clan Mut breeding help (In progress)

Peanut [Side] (#107579)

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Posted on
2018-06-19 15:26:58
Hey all, here's a little Mutation board i threw together with the help of the Wiki and information i've gathered from my time being spent on here.
If anything is wrong, has changed, etc do let me know and i will edit it.
Here you can also Discuss the best ways you've bred certain muts, answer any questions other members may have, and of course...ask questions :)

There will be Pictures of the mutations I know about, information on them,
as well as further down some Info on all the Mutation ITEMS i know about :) + breeding items
(If you know of more, do let me know!)

For the Mutations, this will let you know Any needed notes about the lion (Like if they are naturally infertile, or can't be king, etc), and if they can NATURALLY be passed (Without the need of items)
For Lethals, it will include the Age of death (If not frozen)
For items, How to obtain them/Price (If oasis or Event shop)
And of course if they can be Any gender, or a specific gender. :)







Primal Felis


Primal Smilus


Any Piebald
(Pictured: Bisected)

Any patches
(Pictured: Dense)

Bobbed tail











Folded ears




Any AMP (Adult Mutations)
ex: Mane fluffy, Many fuzzy, Mane feathery, Mane Frizzy, Mane Imperial, Mane scruffy, Mane ruffled, Mane Silky, Mane shaggy, Mane Whiskered, Mane Villous, Overgrown (OG) claws, OG fur, OG Teeth)
Note: OG Teeth and claws can happen to either male or female. The rest are female only.
(ALTHOUGH, there are 3 Male OG furs that exist in game. One was even in one of our past raffles! Lion here )

(Pictured: Mane frizzy)

*AMP Maneless







Lipomatosis (AKA best lethal :p)


Harlequin Ichtyosis


Extra Limbs


Two heads




NOT pictured <3

Toothless will have a small lineart change. It appears at birth, but will produce a health message at 3 months.
Effect: It cannot hunt, patrol, or lead the pride. It can be chosen as a broodmother. Toothless can grow up strong and live a full life, can be sex changed as a cub/adolescent, and aged up. We believe your pride shares meat chunks with the poor toothless lions, so they can be fed normally.
- Mutation can be passed with a Lion Scrotum.

Clawless will have a small overlay on their paws to cover the claws drawn on the default lineart. The health message appears at birth.
Effect: It cannot hunt. Its strength stats will be drastically hindered to be 5% of what it should be at birth. Clawless lions can still patrol and lead the pride, because they can still make a nice pounding with their mighty paws (should be funny with "Claw" option in battling - touch them with your paw pads!). Clawless can grow up strong and live a full life, can be sex changed as a cub/adolescent, and aged up.
- Mutation can be passed with a Lion Scrotum.

Deaf will have no art change. The health message appears at birth.
Effect: It cannot hunt, patrol, or lead the pride. The lion can die randomly between 4 months to 4 years, via an accident. It won't live longer than that maximum age of 4 years. If the lioness is nursing cubs, the death triggers won't occur until they're 5 months old. Deaf can produce random health messages of them getting into trouble, as well as death messages. Be careful when taking care of a deaf pride member, and keep in mind how fragile they are in the wild. Deaf can be sex changed as a cub/adolescent, and aged up. It cannot be protected from dying in an accident.
- Mutation can be passed with a Lion Scrotum.
- If the lioness is pregnant and dies, the litter will be lost with her. Be prepared; this is a risk you take when breeding a deaf lion.

Double Uterus will have no art change. This is a female-only adult mutation, and there is no health message. This means they can be aged up. If they are sex changed into a male, they will lose the mutation. Every time she is in heat, when you breed her, you will see a notification that she can be bred again after the first breeding while already pregnant.
Effect: The amount of cubs will be doubled. You may choose to breed your lioness to two studs during the same pregnancy. The second stud's genetic information will be overwritten onto half of the cubs. The birth will happen with the 3 day gestation period of the first breeding, even if the second breeding took place on the last day of pregnancy. This pregnancy can be insta-delivered.

Tigon - 2018

Mutation Items.

*MODs (Mutie on demands) - Turns your lion into a specific mut.

MOD: Overgrown fur
Location: : Carrion shop (January Event), purchase from other players
Price: 4000 SB
Use: Apply OG fur to a chosen adult Lioness with no current mutation or pose.

MOD: Primal
Location: : The Boneyard (January event), or from other players
Use: Applies the Primal mutation to a selected MALE lion. (Normal primal only. Not felis or Smilus)

MOD: Piebald
Location: Black Friday sale, or from other players
Use: applies 1 out of 7 piebald patterns to a selected lion
(Mutations included: Bisected pie, Broken pie, Heavy pie, Light pie, Mosaic pie, Mottled pie, Symmetrical Pie)

MOD: B&W Patches
Location: Black Friday sale, purchase from other players
Use: Applies 1 out of 6 mutations, 3 being Piebald patterns and 3 being Patches
(Mutations included: Clouded pie, Croupe patches, Dense patches, Frontal patches, Harlequin pie, Slender pie)

*Mutation Breeding items.

Location: Prophet Shop (September Event), or from other players
Price: 150 JB For the Prophet shop, check trades for other prices.
Use: Fed to females before breeding, Has a Higher than 50% chance (Not 100%) to produce a mutation

Lion meat
Location: Carrion Shop (January Event), Boneyard (January Event), Gorilla Enclave, or from other players
Price: 2000 SB , 100 LB , 300 MT
Use: Fed to females before breeding, Has a small boost to producing a mutation. (More than CRB and 1% VLF, But less than GMO cow)

CRB (Cotton root bark):
Location: Oasis
Cost: 1gb
Use: Feed to a Female when pregnant, She will have a Miscarriage, and will be able to breed again in 3 days. This increases the Mutation chance, and the Lethal Mutation chance.

Lion Scrotum (Lion balls):
Location: Slap Shop (February event), or from other players
Price: 80 HS
Use: Fed to a female before breeding, offers a 25% chance of passing her mutation. (Hybrids excluded)

Places to obtain: Oasis
Price: 1 GB
Use: Works only on primal males. fed to a stud to increase the chances of a mutation variation in the next litter. (Possible Felis or Smilus)

*Notable Items when dealing with Mutations.

Safou Fruit (But why tho? lol)
Location: Monkey Business
Price: 1000 SB
Use: Feed to a lion to remove the mutation.

Black Stallion
Location: Serengeti Shuffle, or from other players
Use: Feed to a Female and she will get Pregnant on the first try.

Buffalo Scrotum (Buffy balls)
Location: Slap Shop (February), The Peddler (August), or from other players
Price: 60 HS, 500 Bones
Use: Fed to a Male. Whichever female he first studs will have a Guarantee of at least 3 cubs.

Crunchy Worm
Location: : Manticora Shop (October Event), purchase from other players
Price: 300 BB
Use: Used to transfer the looks of a lioness to one cub of her litter - Will not copy mutations. Only a 25% chance.

Grain of Paradise (GoP)
Location: Flirt Shop, The Peddler (January Event), Slots, purchase from other players
Price: 30 HS
Use: Fed to a Male. Whichever female he first studs will have a Guarantee of at least 2 cubs.

Turritopsis Jellyfish
Location: Oasis
Price: 5gb
Use: freeze and Adol or Adult lion, making them immortal. (You will not need to feed, or play with them. they will not age)

Location: Slots, or from other players
Use: Freeze a cub, making them immortal. (You will not need to feed, or play with them. They will not age)

Great tit
Location: Slots, or from other players
Use: fed to a male, all cubs in the next litter will all be female

Red Cock
Location: Slots, or from other players
Use: fed to a male, all cubs in the next litter will all be male

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Peanut [Side] (#107579)

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Posted on
2018-06-19 15:27:16
Do not post here yet, please.
If you have a comment, PM me. Thanks.

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