Posted by [ALL] Item that attracts quest enemies

Voodoo [Eggnog pls,
Xy] (#48617)

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Posted on
2018-06-20 23:44:17
This would work like snake scent, and lure enemies you need for event quests.

To keep it only appearing during events that have "defeat x [enemies]" it could be sold as an event shop item and cost event currency!

This suggestion has 57 supports and 2 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/07/19 @ 19:13:59 by a Moderator

Archangel (#136725)

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Posted on
2018-06-22 15:14:26
What about before the shops open? Obviously this month it opened on a schedule so it wasn't that much of a problem, but for other events that open based on user interaction it could take a while.

I still support though. It would be infinitely helpful, especially for the "defeat small feline" quests I keep getting

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Voodoo [Eggnog pls,
Xy] (#48617)

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Posted on
2018-06-25 01:41:55
Hmm, that is a good point.

Maybe instead of a shop item, it could be like how you light incense to change god's in this event-- something like on the event page, a button that costs event currency (5-10?) to work, and it'll attract quest enemies for 30 minutes? It'd be like lighting incense, but it could be some kind of smelly thing your lion rolls in that enrages the creature you're after into attacking you.

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Edited on 25/06/18 @ 01:45:18 by Voodoo [TeamBast] (#48617)

Archangel (#136725)

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Posted on
2018-06-25 14:44:09
That's a pretty good idea. It'd probably have to be themed for the specific event (i.e. for Championships it could be like "war paint" to signal you're looking for a fight, for this one it could be some sort of godly incense, etc etc).

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