Posted by Dirty Rosettes Clan Thread

CKGylaonGlow (#127632)

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Posted on
2018-06-25 18:21:24
Hello, and welcome to the Clan, Dirty Rosettes!
Both me and Hedge are very nice, and like conversations! (I think.....)
First of All, if you are not in the clan, here it is! As Hedge says in the Description “Make ur spotty dreams come true!’ XD
But, we are a very nice community, based on making, breeding, and having Dirty Rosettes.......
(Nothing wrong with your clean lions XD)
But, I mean, Inbreeding doesn’t have an effect XD

So, I brought it apon myself, to make a mascot.....
No name......
Any suggestions?
Well either post here, or pm me...... not Hedge.... they didn’t do this XD

Although, they made the beautiful banner XD

This is an active community, and all, even people without rosettes are free to join!

We also partake and sacrifice rosettes for you all XD
(I don’t have one yet.)
I should say, you, or mainly Hedge will sacrifice rosettes!

Every week, we will raffle something!
And sometimes, we giveaway rosettes!
(Great, right?)

Any other suggestions?
Well, put them down there!

(Also, I’m stupid.....
You can talk and stuff like that.
All lioden rules apply, and I don’t want to see any arguing.....)

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