Posted by Looking for RP partners!

Atreus (#13585)

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Posted on
2018-06-29 12:36:18
Hello there! I'm looking for someone to RP with, I would prefer a 1x1 RP scenario. However, if there are more people to RP with and it works well with the plot then I would love to RP with more than one person. Below is a comfort meme, which will show all the things I am comfortable rping! All from romance down to post length I'd prefer you to have.

Comfort Meme

Note that my time zone is EST and I will be pretty active as school is out for me. Though I will be starting a music program in late July, I will still be very active.


1. Please, if you start to become no longer interested in the RP then tell me! I hate it when people just disappear from the RP as a whole because they lose interest. So, tell me, and possibly we could work something out. Also, If you are to leave for a long period of time then please tell me as well.

2. You must also put in effort while we RP, I can stand 3-6 sentences of a post if there isn't much to say. However, please try to at least write a paragraph. It can be a short one or a long one, it doesn't matter as long as it's a paragraph. All responses must have proper grammar and punctuation.

3. If you are not comfortable RPing a certain thing then say so. I don't want to put anyone in a situation where they say that they are fine with something when in reality they are not.

4. Don't push me around or send me 5 messages asking if we are going to RP. If you are interested and the plot is good then we will RP. If I don't reply as soon as you want then I may be doing something else so please keep that in mind.


SO! As you can see I have a few rules. I don't demand a lot from you because I'm open to anything when it comes to Rps. If you are interested to RP with me Please fill out this trusty little form.

Preferred Pronouns:
Any Plot Ideas?:
What will you RP?:
Preferred platform to RP on:
Tell me a Fun Fact about you!:
Roleplay Sample:

If I'm Interested in RPing with you then I will contact you via PM

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Edited on 29/06/18 @ 12:42:03 by Shixbal (#13585)

Mots - RP Loved (#5378)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-06-29 13:46:17
I can't access your comfort meme unfortunately. But I'll return and fill out the form properly. It's getting near impossible for me to find people that will actually stick around and RP with me if that makes sense.

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Atreus (#13585)

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Posted on
2018-06-30 20:32:34
Yeah I get that, many people kind of disappear after a while when they RP with you

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greyvyard ✦ ivan
lovebot (#100511)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-02 11:44:15
Username/Nickname: Mori Ougai (I go by Jai)
Preferred Pronouns: She/Her or They/Them! (But I really don't mind any ^^)
Any Plot Ideas?: I mostly do supernatural with heavy angst, but I've been wanting to try out some other ideas lately. Specifically things such as post apocalyptic, college setting, and a whole lot more! Most of my OC's are supernatural, though ;;
What will you RP?: I'm open to just about anything to be honest. I don't have many limits regarding role-play, but if you're interested, I'd be willing to list the more specific things!
Preferred platform to RP on: Discord works fine for me! However, I'm available on multiple platforms if need be.
Tell me a Fun Fact about you!: Hmm, well, I'm currently in the process of attempting to write a book? ^^"
Roleplay Sample: (This was a starter, so it's a little different from, say, a reaction to another character!)
Haven looked out on the horizon, his lips pursing slightly as the sun slowly sank lower into the sky. The end of another uneventful day, in a rather terrible life. He wasn’t one to complain- never had been- but he had to admit that being trapped in such a place with infected humans was really, really fucked up. However, he had to make due with what he was given, albeit not much. Dwelling on such things didn’t feed him, however, so he regained a neutral expression and got up from his place on the ledge on a five storied building, and made his way towards the stairwell. His camp was on the first floor, as there was no sense in him holding himself up on the upper levels; he’d have nowhere to run to if shit hit the fan, after all. Night time was a dangerous time, now, and it wasn’t only due to the infected. People that were once thought to be civilized were turning into absolute savages- murdering families, stealing and plundering, destroying whatever they could- all for the hell of it. It wasn’t like the government was going to do anything about it. He tried not to scowl at the thought, and instead focused on each step down the stairs.
Upon reaching the bottom floor, Haven went directly to his bag and began digging for his various canned goods. He wasn’t saying he was completely innocent by any means- he stole and destroyed and even murdered as well. But he was doing it to survive, not because it was fun. He pulled out some canned meat and vegetables, then turned to his little makeshift campfire. It was honestly just some bricks from partially decaying walls built in a circle, with papers and cardboard for getting a good flame started within it. Usually one would never think of burning inside due to smoke, and while that still stood, he didn’t have any other way to cook. Plus, most of the windows were busted out, and only had wooden boards over them. He was tucked away in the back corner; the place was formerly a hotel, so this area would have been the lobby. He would probably use the beds upstairs for some rest in a little bit, but food came first. He tied back his hair best he could and lit the fire, using a small lighter that was freshly filled with lighter fluid. As the fire began to really burn, he put some books and magazines on, then poured the contents of the canned foods he had pulled out into a camping pot. He would have never consumed such a disgusting meal when things were normal, but now he was just happy to be getting a full meal and have some canned goods to spare afterwards.
After heating up the contents to an acceptable degree, he pulled the pot off the fire and laid it’s hot bottom across a folded up blanket he had gotten from his bag, pulling pot and blanket to rest in his lap. He didn’t look too hard at the food he was stirring together, because if he did he was almost sure he’d feel sick. He began the process of eating, and took his time; he had already searched the area around for infected before night fell, and it didn’t seem like there was that many. They tended to move around more at night though, so he’d have to be careful. He had planned, at least, to enjoy a meal; however, it appeared as if it would be interrupted. There was a few thuds near the back of the building, causing him to pause and set down his food. Waiting a moment to make sure it wasn’t just some rat, he went to the back of the building, listening closer as he neared the door. He had jammed it earlier, as well as blocked it with trash cans outside, but it seemed that someone slammed over the trashcans and was attempting to get inside. The infected were smart enough, or simply stubborn enough, to get through the trash cans and beat on the door, so he figured it was a stray. However, they did tend to travel in packs sometimes, and could still see and hear well, so he needed to get rid of this one quickly. He inched closer to the door, then in a rush removed the jam he had made. The door swung open, a body falling through, and he whipped his knife from its place on his hip. He was about to swing into orange blonde hair, when clear pink eyes met his. He scrambled backwards, getting into a defensive position. He didn’t give the other time to orient themselves before he spoke up, “Hey, who the hell are you? You tryin’ to bring a hoard of infected with all that racket? If you’re gonna attack me, get ready to meet god, cause I’m not going down.” His words were harsh, his eyes hard and cold as he regarded the other.

I hope you're interested, since I myself have had trouble with consistent roleplay partners C':

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