Posted by Seeking a group of 2-3 other RP partnera

Boof ~Team Evil~ (#146940)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-06-29 18:40:04
I'm lookimg for a team of serious role-playing people. Now, these people must be mature, well written and litterate. Respomses don't have to be long, but I would like them to be.

Umbrella topics: All Lioden Based
- Anything to do with Egyptian Dieties
- MxMxM/F \ MxFxF RP
-Based of my Ex
- Other

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Character Sheet:
RP Example:

My Forum
- Ajin/Adol Male/ Pansexual

Ajin trekked the desolate land. It hadn't rained for as long as he could remember. Temptorine and Kotta were long ahead. Food was scarce and the females were weak from the long past breeding season they had no chance to return from. Not to mention Ajin was only a few years old and his ribs were defined through his skin. He noticed he couldn't run anymore. He began to falter in his steps. He decided to fo back home and face Kotta's punishment.

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