Posted by Direct Upload Custom Decor

ursiday (#66929)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 14:25:15
As a person who makes custom decors pretty regularly, I find it really tedious to have to upload PNGs for 10+ different stages/poses (often even more if the decor is mane specific) to imgur/etc and keep all of the URLs straight to then transfer into the decor uploader, because when the decor is transparent it can be almost impossible to distinguish which image is for which pose just by looking. However, keeping files straight for each one on my computer is pretty simple as they're easy to label and organize, so it would be a lot easier if we could upload decor PNGs directly to the site when submitting a decor, rather than having to upload through a third party uploader and insert URLs.

This would also be an added convenience for people (like me LOL) who do decor commissions, because when someone else is doing the uploading it just adds another layer of complication to the process because that's two people who have to keep the URLs straight.

I have no idea if this is even plausible, since obvs I don't know how the custom decor process works behind the scenes, but if possible this would be really helpful!

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Xylax (#4)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-07-01 14:35:09
I like that but it would take our server space in case of rejections @_@ maybe it can be coded though!

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ursiday (#66929)

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Posted on
2018-07-01 14:48:48
Ah yeah I was worried about that :/ maybe if there was a way for them to be deleted if they're rejected? If there's some way to code it that would be great haha!

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