Posted by High chance of infertility in maned lionesses

The Crow (#112292)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-05 17:22:51

The various mane mutations in lionesses are all AMP, so a lioness with this mut wouldn't display her mane until she reaches two years old. There are cases of wild lionesses in Botswana that have grown manes - you can read about them here:

As you can see, these lionesses are often infertile but otherwise healthy and survive just well in a lion pride. It would be fun if these mutations had a gameplay effect that reflected these real-life maned lionesses. The mutation would trigger a high chance of infertility - say 50% - regardless of her mother's fert level. The infertility would be present from birth. You would still need to check her with the falcon's eye to see if she has an hidden AMP.

Do you like the idea of an in-game effect on the mane mutations? Let me know and give me some feedback on this idea.

This suggestion has 62 supports and 24 NO supports.

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ursiday (#66929)

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Posted on
2018-07-05 17:28:54
I'm on the fence about this tbh, I really like the idea in theory but the site is already dominated by VLFs bc of mutation breeding so I'm hesitant about anything that would drive that number higher?

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flyteck [G2 Hibiscus
Frail] (#40496)

Good Natured
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Posted on
2018-07-05 17:53:46
This would prevent the use of lion scrotums on them though, unless you can still chasteberry them. I'm not sure if it would really enhance anything or make a difference if it were changed though.

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The Crow (#112292)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-05 17:57:35
You would still be able to give her a chasteberry like you can with normal infertile lionesses.

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EntityofSilo | G4 (#107570)

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Posted on
2018-10-21 10:04:48
I personally vote that any lioness who becomes infertile due to her mane mutation shouldn't be able to have her fertility raised unless her mutation is removed. Realistically speaking lionesses with mane mutations can't breed so I think that having this mutation should prevent them from breeding entirely, and only after removal of the mutation would chasteberry increase her fertility to make her breedable :)

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WisherWasher (#559)

Aztec Knight
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Posted on
2018-10-21 10:21:03
I support them being infertile, but with the ability to chasteberry them. I don't support having them entirely unable to breed as per Entity's suggestion, due to the fact that LioDen doesn't fall into realism - but rather fantasy based upon reality (in most regards). I do worry about how this would affect their popularity, though.

Most mane mutations are already seen as undesirable, from what I've seen from the community - lowering them to infertiles might make this worse due to the added costs of chasteberries before breeding. Removing their ability to breed entirely would definitely harm the market for them, though - another reason why I wouldn't support that.

Breeding plays a huge part in the game, and so having them unable to breed entirely would mean that they are pretty useless.

Overall, I do think it'd be pretty interesting having a somewhat realistic side-effect to the mutation, but I can see why others might not.

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