Posted by lioness breeding cooldown and killing cubs

AnimeWolf56 (#33369)

Bone Collector
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Posted on
2018-07-06 09:06:43
so i had an idea regarding killing cubs. in the wild, males will kill cubs to force a female into heat. i understand the need for the cool down to keep from too many cubs, but i was thinking what if there was a small chance of the lioness either extending or lessening the cooldown (by one day, dont want to alter it too much) when her cubs are killed. now, the chance of it would be small, so it shouldnt affect gameplay too much, but still add the idea of a risk.
eg: the lioness is very upset that you killed her cubs, and avoids you when she goes into heat (cooldown extended by 1 day)
eg: the lioness is sad to see her cubs gone, but she is willing to have more soon (cooldown lessened by 1 day)

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Edited on 06/07/18 @ 23:52:15 by AnimeWolf56 (#33369)

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