Posted by School Computer Image Workaround

{g2} (im autistic) (#132333)

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Posted on
2018-07-08 01:29:14
Hey! Don't know if this is the right place, but I've noticed that quite a few people are also using school computers and some image hosting sites are blocked. This can be frustrating when you want to see an image shared in chat! But, I think I've figured out a workaround.

Note; this does not let you ACCESS the blocked site, it just lets you see the image sent to main.

It's a really simple fix:
-Go to the forum or private messaging and make a new post/message. In the body, use the image code;
<*img src="LINK HERE"*> without the asterisks
-Hover over the link in chat, and copy the link address (NOT THE TEXT, it won't help you any)
-Paste the link into the code
-Then click preview! DON'T CLICK POST. I mean, nothing bad will happen, but it could be weird to explain.

[link] look at this cool pride flag!
Some Loser @ 0000-00-00 69:69:69

'oh no! it does not work on this school computer! never fear, coding is here'
<*img src=""*>
//clicks preview//

Idk, it's 1:30 but I've been honing this for awhile. I hope it helps anyone!

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