Posted by Role play partners wanted

Nettle *Light's
Off*StampMePls (#127094)

View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-09 13:48:47
Hello! I am looking for Roleplay partners.

If you agree with my rules and terms, then feel free to post on the thread or PM me!

- I don't do MXM, only MXF
-Romance can go as far as you want, from very little to describing everything but that speck of dirt, I don't care.
-Absolutly no sexual anything without consent from both people/animals
-No Furrie's
-Please, if you can't RP anymore, or are going on a trip, please tell me and I will do the same!
-Please try to reply at least 1 a day! If you skip one or two it's fine, but please, try!

I do humans, Merlin, warrior cats, animals, shapeshifters and more. No Star Wars,

Just ask me!!!

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