Posted by 10 uses for Falling Stars BG

JustJeff (#63596)

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Posted on
2018-07-17 20:04:17
All of the other tier 1 Firefly Shop backgrounds come with 10 uses, but for some reason, the Falling Stars background only has 5. This is a bit weird, not even sure if it was intentional or if it was a simple mistake. I can't think of any reason for it to only have 5 uses if it's even the same price as the other BGs. If bumping up the number of uses to 10 is too steep, at least lowering the price to 75 Fireflies would seem fine.
Image from Gyazo
Image from Gyazo
This is a gorgeous background, I'm sure many of us would like to be able to have it for more than FIVE uses if we're going to pay 150 Fireflies for it.

No support? Let me know why.

This suggestion has 35 supports and 3 NO supports.

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Edited on 21/07/18 @ 14:02:32 by .:Keon:. 🍑 [EHR Trophy] (#63596)

🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 06:58:26
I think all backgrounds should be like this if they're gonna be so damn costly

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