Posted by Alchemist: Interstellar or Not?

Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 05:20:42
Hi there!

Hopefully you're on this thread due to either seeing my lovely little adverts or being a regular customer of this hot piece of magic:


You can check out all Alchemist's details by clicking this or the pic!

Now, Alchemist is a 7k+ Slender Pied Savage stud, 4xCel, 4xIce, and his current fee is 700SB.

Currently, his base is Ice.

I'm thinking of maybe changing it to Interstellar.

There would be next to no change in his design if his base changes, he usually sells out his slots within 4-5 hours of rolling and he'd still be the cheapest 7k+ stud by far, so:


- Becomes the highest stat Interstellar in game
- 850-1k+ Interstellar cubs? YUM
- Ebony fails
- Stud price would go up to 900SB


- Breeding Celestials becomes EVEN HARDER
- No more/rarer Slate fails to breed to Dye
- Interstellar cubs look odd with Al's marks
- Stud price would go up to 900SB

My original plan had been to breed any Celestials Dye produces to Alchemist and breed his Slate/Korat fails to Dye in turn until I'd get something like Alchemist [or, even better, Corvidae] but with a Celestial base. Making Alchemist Interstellar might get me the funds I need to buy the Slates/Celestials I need regardless of the change of base, or simply slap Korat or Penumbra on his near-perfects that happen to be born Black Dark Solid. So the project could likely continue as planned, just taking a little more time.

[or, y'know, I could sell the Interstellar app down the line and have all the funds I could ever need and make the whole damn pride Celestial, but I'm a hoarder so. Unlikely.]

In the end, I'd really love to know what his customers think of all this! I may decide on something different when it comes down to it, but your feedback will really help me figure out what to do about this!

SO! Let me know; should Alchemist become Interstellar, or remain Ice? Did I forget any big pros/cons? If you comment with your feedback I'll gift you either a Rib Bone, Lion Skull or Lucky Foot, so let's hear it! ;D


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Edited on 23/07/18 @ 08:29:28 by Agryo [Side, rolls near-daily] (#84746)

atlas ☠︎ /
frozen (#120331)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 05:37:16
I think that Interstellar is a new base, and it would be more exciting and interesting, and it would benefit you with the SB you're getting. I think that the Interstellar base is more intriguing. And to be honest, I'd pay 900SB, or even 1000SB to breed him with one of my lionesses.

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[ɢ𝖑 ɢʟᴀss]
~Hiatus (#141233)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 05:38:58
I say he should become interstellar cuz you’d be very, very rich. You should focus on breeding interstellars and not celestials cuz you gotta focus on one rare base at a time. Also, Interstellar base is still rare no matter how bad the look. Those cubs with interstellar base will still have value. The stats boost up its value too!

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Fuego (#41825)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 05:45:55
Ice personally, because he already looks good and I still feel Celestials are lacking! I personally wouldn't use Interstellar just to be a flavor of the month, but rather wait until there's the right combination of markings to go with it.

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Agryo [7xRos Ely,
Quit] (#84746)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 05:50:27
@Tempest: Haha, thank you! <33 With his current price he sells out within 3-4 hours of rolling, plus paying 700-900SB for the chance of a Slender Pie a hop away from 1K isn't something to scoff at, I think. ;D

@Devin: I'll still focus on breeding Celestials and can do so, given this account's king is a decently popular Celestial base anyways. ;D Plus, I don't see myself keeping any Interstellar cubs, come to think of it; they'd just be funding to buy more Slates/Korats/Celestials. XD Getting a near-full Celestial with a Savage mane and F7O has been my goal pretty much since my first few months on LD, so I'm not about to let it go now! Thanks a bunch for the feedback!

@ShakiraFuego: Ooo, good point! I could always keep it for Alchemist's heir, that Corvidae fellow linked above, and use it once I've already bred my perfect Celestial bab. Thanks!

Items have been sent out, thanks a bunch! About to add a little table to the first post with the votes

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Dicti-tm (lol I'm
back) (#119041)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 06:09:25
Duuuude, he'd be a gorgeous interstellar *0* I'd stud!

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Koi [G1 Sunrise Pie] (#127217)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 06:12:08
Oooh, I think he should go Interstellar. :0 Gimme those Ebony fails. xD

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💎Rarity [1K G1
Kiman Rosette] (#114707)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 07:50:39
Interstellar would be better in my opinion. You would get those stud requests rolling.

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Roxanne (G1 Seal
Jellyfish) (#121082)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 08:45:42
Interstellar is nice, but I feel like you should do Ice still. I know a lot of people who are still breeding Ice and plus I know a lot of people looking for some high stat cubs but are just barely able to afford the original stud price. I personally like Ice and Korat and Slate fails are nice to get tbh. Most of the ebony and Onyx fails I get from Interstellar breeding are potatoes. Most of the Korat and Slate fails I get are pretty decent looking.

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Artcee (#141495)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 08:47:21
hell yea interstellar, its rare so people willing to cough up de 900sb
interstellar cubs sell 4 more
celestial far more common
you can still breed celestials on ur side
ebony fails... you'd rule the cub market

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Snowcat13-G1 Ice-6
cimm (#52694)

Dreamboat of Ladies
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Posted on
2018-07-22 08:49:48
I'd go with Interstellar for awhile. You can always change him back to Ice since that's an app. I love the possibility of ebony fails, and Interstellar is gorgeous. You could sell Interstellar cubs to fund your other addictions -I think they would bring in far more than Ice cubs. Really since you can change him back it seems like a great opportunity and no downside. The only con is as you mentioned the cel marks tend to overpower the Interstellar base. But since I love the marks I'd not really care.
Both your boys are gorgeous. :)

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Eugenix (#150845)

King of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-22 09:04:56
Personally, though a newcomer, I see it as a matter of 2 things: profit or principle.

Changing into an Interstellar base will get you more gains based off of rarity and current popularity, as has been said. If you need the SB that badly, then I would say it is indeed worthwhile. You can ride the wave of popularity onto a steady stream of good rep in the future. Ebony bases are good too alongside the successful cubs. So essentially, invest big to gain big.

Sticking with principle or perhaps nostalgia, you can indeed save Interstellar for your heir as it has been suggested. You can stay stable and make off-chance Slates, but your stud fee remains hovering at 900SB. I suggest weighing whether getting Slates and selling them (which is a chance thing) is better than a higher stud fee (guaranteed).

Imo, changing to Interstellar with such a high current demand is a sellout move, but ultimately a better move profit-wise, even with the awkward marks. If all else fails, your heir could be the next Ice. This tentative tryst as a Interstellar could just show you whether it is rly worth it to be Interstellar... at least for the remainder of your king's life.
Or until you decide to use an app to go back to Ice.

I suggest making some calculations of a month of profit between being Interstellar vs Ice and figure it out from there. Realistically, you must also consider the demand from your target clientele. In the end, you decide where that SB is gearing towards since you know your projects best.

That is all. Sorry for the wall of text.

(Edit: this may just be me talking out of my ass. I don't know all the ins and outs of the game. Just wanted to give my input.)

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Edited on 22/07/18 @ 09:11:19 by Eugenix (#150845)

Ria (#136917)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 12:54:51
Well, Ice is a cool base but December is drawing closer, so maybe it's time to switch? Interstellar is super rare so it would basically guarantee you one year of high demand. People will be very willing to pay 900SB, more people will pay GB.
Overall you will probably get more money within 6 months than if you sold the app.
That means you could buy some celestials to breed him to.
All in all it'd be a win. Only real con would be all those people who will flood your inbox with traditional breeding requests.

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FyreKit (#110998)

Deathlord of the Jungle
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Posted on
2018-07-22 12:58:08
I think going Interstellar would be interesting and a good way to ensure that Alchemist never has unused breeding slots.

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Princess Allura (#139456)

Notable Lion
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Posted on
2018-07-22 13:08:14
He should DEFINITELY be interstellar. I would definitely pay for him, I mean an incredibly high-stat, interstellar pie? Duuuude. You so should go for it. Yeah, I get that being "just a flavour of the month" (which by the way, should be a con) but this flavour is sparkly and fabulous, way better than any other flavour of the month I've ever known. If celestials are lacking, so are interstellars, right? I'd keep an interstellar even if it had only one mark, because it's THE base I'd want most An interstellar piebald with 7k+ stats is like, the BEST combo ever.

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Edited on 22/07/18 @ 13:17:26 by Princess Allura (#139456)

🏳️‍🌈 (#62393)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 15:24:02
I like the Interstellar Base, but he looks amazing as an Ice right now. I’m in the habit myself of only changing bases once a generation, even when a new one comes out, so personally I feel he’d be better as Ice right now and possibly change your heir to Interstellar.

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