Posted by Combo base inheriting

Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-07-22 11:31:24
Feel free to correct me if my information is wrong but from what I understand, there's only two ways to get a combo base:
From breeding the required coats, like ebony&ivory, Albino&korat, chartruex, Maltese, or any of the Egyptian bases.
You can also apparently get it from breeding the combo to a required coat, like Gilded&Anubis or Soul&Ebony.

I'm proposing a slight change. Nothing that would undermine it too much, I love these bases being rare as possible, and I actually don't mind if this doesn't go through, but i am suggesting a possible change to mechanics.

1. Making it possible to pass a combo base if you bred a combo base. There would be some restrictions (pulsar & pulsar were made to be only passable in July, the rest of the time you can only pass them to each other, I think that should remain, and cloudburst being weather restricted to pass) but if you had like a nadir or something similar, you would be able to pass it from a random breeding, it would just be even more unlikely then if you bred it to one of the coat requirements.

2. This is the suggestion I actually like, being passable but ONLY To a lion with identical coat genetics. For example a soul&ashen would NOT be able to pass a soul base, but a Soul&chartruex pairing could. It would still be much less likely but possible. And again I think pulsar and cloudburst should keep restrictions, and any other combo that is super specific that comes out could be too.
to clarify, with this one, the combo base would still be inheritable to its core bases and to the bases sharing its exact genes.

So, comments, questions, critiques welcome, like i said I actually don't mind if this doesn't go through , I just think it'd be nice to be able to broaden horizons a little bit with breeding combo bases, It just seems kinda restrictive, but i don't mind em being rare, I love it. So let me know what you guys think

This suggestion has 35 supports and 16 NO supports.

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Edited on 23/07/18 @ 22:11:04 by Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Gutsy (#3097)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 16:59:15
I actually don't mind this, but I would much prefer suggestion #2 if this change occurs.

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TooSizesTooBig (#152587)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 09:45:24
Sorry but no support

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-07-23 09:47:16
That's ok, thank you for everyone who has voted so far.

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mintea [PM #148843] (#147367)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 22:15:21
I clicked no support as a breeder because to me it seems a teensy bit redundant with "special special" bases like sunset, interstellar, sunrise (a lot of the applicator bases and raffle bases), in which 1 parent must have the base in order for it to pass. Although, for example, you could get lucky and breed a random lioness to an interstellar and get an interstellar, for the most part you need to breed in the exact same genetics (BDSS) to have the highest chance of breeding the coat.

Although it is incredibly frustrating, I kind of like the uniqueness/challenge of combo bases as they must be bred by a specific combination with no random factors or one parent being a combo base enabling the passage (as to me it'd be virtually the same thing as special special instead of combo).

Sorry if this didn't make too much sense, just wanted to state why I No Supported xD

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Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-07-23 22:20:22
No I know what ya mean. It's a fair point. Thanks for your input.

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🅱️oneless (#123346)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 22:35:23
So, you want combo bases to function the way 'special' special bases do instead of being combo bases?

EDIT: No support because this sort of functionality would make breeding these bases broader and easier, rather than harder (as you said at the bottom for some reason?). It would devalue them in the market a lot and particularly devastate base breeders like myself.

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Edited on 23/07/18 @ 22:42:01 by Asher (#123346)

Phantom StarsX (#92256)

Scourge of Lions
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Posted on
2018-07-23 22:49:56
Not exactly. Special specials can pass in any pairing as long as a parent has it, that is one of the suggestions but the other would only make it passable to its core bases and rarely to something with identical coat genetics. And while it is "easier" to pass special specials from identical genetics, you can also mass breed em and end up with em fairly easy, that would be the difference, you still can't mass breed it but you do have a few more options to pass it.

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Meep (sunset felis) (#66275)

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Posted on
2018-07-25 13:53:11
I think this is going to make it too easy, combo bases are supposed to be very hard to breed, it's what keeps them rare. You'd be surprised how players could take advantage of this change and then subsequently devalue combo bases as a whole.

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