Posted by July Event Currency Prices?

Sicarian (#86672)

King of the Jungle
View Forum Posts

Posted on
2018-07-22 15:13:33
So I have a lot of Meteorite Shards and Fireflies. I've seen prices go sky high and some don't even get batted an eye at. I'm a reasonable person and would like to offer reasonable prices. So what should I price per 1?

What do you guys value the event currency at?

NOTE: This is NOT an advertisement for my MS or FF. Please do not contact me with offers or asking how many I have. This post is purely for my own knowledge.

Thank You ^_^

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Myr (#188)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 16:27:58
From what I’ve seen, average buying prices are around 1-2GB per background (most are 150 FF). Decor prices will vary, but be generally the same or lower ratio.

Sunset markings are the main thing people are interested in for MS, so 2000 shards at a time - the lower priced items from Tefnut's temple (wings etc) are already so common they’re worth very little. Average buying price for sunset markings atm seems to be roughly 10-13GB each.

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