Posted by LF partner-in-crime/co-administrator for wolves!

Bambi (#26452)

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Posted on
2018-07-22 15:22:23
i'm doing a little ripping of this classified from another resource site that i posted on, so forgive me if i've got any errors in formatting! it's been a hot minute since i've been active on the linden forums.

essentially, i am looking for a partner in crime/co-administrator for a wolf role-play site, ideally hosted on jcink or proboards. an ideal candidate would be active ooc daily, and post in-character as often as possible. this site would have a word count and administrator-approval for applications. shippers/planners would be optional to members. there will be a loose plot that allows for players to build their packs and relationships through writing. i would heavily prefer the co-administrator to be over twenty, and require that they be over eighteen. my graphics skills are minimal (but improving), so it would be helpful if my partner was more skilled in photo manips, site banners, etc.

i think it's very important that staff members get along personally! for this reason, i would prefer for anyone interested to have discord, or some other chat platform, so that we can communicate easily throughout the site building process and beyond. c: i am really hoping to create a place that feels safe to writers who have wanted something more stable than a server/temporary thread based story, but does not want to feel thrown into the fray of a decade old self-hosted site. small, tight knit communities appeal to me most, and i hope to find others who feel the same way.

so, if any of this sounds like something you would have interest in, please don't hesitate to shoot me a pm! thank you for your time!

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