Posted by Cubs on Topmost layer

Miles (#146777)

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Posted on
2018-07-23 03:28:09
First off: Sorry if this has been brought up before.

I oftentimes notice, when playing with my lionesses or decorating them, that as soon as they are nursing. the cubs are covered. Most noticably it happens with scars of my hunting lionesses, that scars slash right through their cubs heads or body,

The most recent incident, is Midnighteyes decor eating her cubs up.

when I'd rather have them like this:

It just lead me to ask: Why aren't the cubs on the top most layer (or one under foreground items?)
I'd love to have the cubs displayed over decor like this! Or some other way to make sure they don't clash with the decor.
Maybe temporarly show them in the decor section?

I know it's only shown for five days, but I always love seeing my lionesses covered in cubs.

I'd appreciate any input to this really too!

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