Posted by Looking for Staff, Discord RP Server

🌩️Wish🌩️ (#134425)

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2018-07-23 12:19:14
I'm currently looking for a co-owner or co-owners and admins for my in-progress Discord roleplay server.
It's a warrior cats based rp but I've changed the story a lot, revolving the story around Vikings and Norwegian stuff! Taking place in a very snowy, island heavy area. I plan to have lots of events and lore, so I'm looking for people who are wanted to help with the storyline and writing!

While I have the basics laid out, I'd still like some help, especially with making sure raids and spammers can be contained.

This server will be a literate server (Grammar, spelling, 3+ sentences, etc.) and I'm looking for one to two co-owners (Helping with story, characters, taking some high spots to make sure there's no power play, etc.) and 2-5 admins to enforce rules, contain spammers, and give warnings/ban others. Admins can be part of the rp but you can also just be an admin.
If you're interested please pm me! I'll have a form to fill out just to make sure you're right for the server!

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Edited on 01/08/18 @ 18:04:07 by 🌩️Wish🌩️ (#134425)

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